Daughter Held Wedding in Thomson Hospice for Her Dying Father

Every dad in the world will dream of the moment when their little daughter grows up and they walk her down the aisle.

Mr Henry Sun was one of those dads who wanted to witness his daughter, Ms Phoebe Sun, get married, but with his deteriorating cancer, there was a possibility that this dream might not become reality.

However, Ms Phoebe fulfilled his last wish by holding a tea ceremony at the hospice where he stayed before he passed on at the same night.

Living with Cancer

According to Shin Min Daily News, Mr Sun was diagnosed with rectal cancer three years ago.

Surgery was not an option as an existing heart condition made general anaesthesia dangerous.

He went for radiotherapy and chemotherapy frequently. Though initially his condition was kept under control, it worsened over time.

He was transferred to Assisi Hospice after the family was told he had only three months to live about a month ago.

Lest you’re not aware, a hospice care is an end-of-life care service, whereby the focus is more on the care, comfort and quality of life for people with terminal illnesses. The goal isn’t curative, but to reduce as much pain as possible.

Fulfilling a Father’s Last Wish

Phoebe’s mother had expressed her father’s wish to her getting married when he is alive to Phoebe.

However, she had said that she shouldn’t force it since she and her boyfriend, Marcus, were not ready.

After discussing regarding this with Marcus and his parents, the couple received support to get married.

As Mr Sun was bedridden, the wedding had to be held in the hospice.

The hospice staff put Phoebe in touch with Ambulance Wish Singapore, a charity that helps the  terminally ill. They secured a place for the tea ceremony in the hospice, and their volunteers made the necessary arrangements for the ceremony, including thank-you cards and popcorn wedding flavours.

Though the couple initially planned to hold the wedding on 11 November, the ceremony was brought forward to 30 October due to Mr Sun’s condition worsening.

Ambulance Wish volunteers got them a small room at the hospice, make-up artist, flowers, a tea set and decorations.

Even though the COVID-19 regulations restricted the attendees to six for the ceremony, the hospice managed to get permission for one more guest.

The Wedding Day

According to Ambulance Wish, the tea ceremony was a heart-warming event.

Marcus served tea, saying, “Papa, 喝茶 (tea for you).”

Mr Sun attempted to sit up and take the cup with both hands, Phoebe told Shin Min Daily News.

Even though he could not consume food or drinks normally, he still sipped the tea.

He then presented a pair of pens to the couple with the help of his wife. That symbolised the couple writing a new chapter of their life.

At the end the family took photos to remember the moment.

Though Mr Sun passed away on the same night, there was at least a comfort in knowing that he got to witness his daughter’s wedding.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Ambulance Wish)