Work-From-Home Should Continue Due to Rise in Community Cases; Lohei in Company Not Allowed

If you’ve travelled during peak hours in 2021, you might wonder if the headline still makes sense given that it feels like it’s now Phase 75 instead of Phase 3.

But nevertheless, if you remember, when Phase 3 just started, it was announced that restrictions on workers returning to offices may be relaxed.

Currently, it’s kind of like a hybrid system for companies that can allow people to work from home: simply put, some people can go back to the office but not all.

Reader Bao: But the traffic in the morning suggests otherwise, especially since—

If you’re hoping to see your office crush more often, here’s the bad news: the authorities have spoken, and your love story has to be postponed as well.

Work-From-Home Should Continue Due to Rise in Community Cases; Lohei in Company Not Allowed

Singapore’s tripartite partners, which comprises the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM), issued a joint statement on Friday (22 January).

They said, “With the higher risk of potentially more transmissible strains as well as recent trends in COVID-19 cases in the community (including at workplaces), the tripartite partners have decided to postpone any further adjustments to workplace safe management measures.”

Yes, they were ready to adjust the WFH arrangements until some people decided to ignore their symptoms and created three clusters in recent days.

And maybe some of the folks in the tripartite partners do travel during peak hours because they addressed the issue of peak-hour transportation. For people who need to head over to their workplaces, they advised, “The start times for these employees should be staggered such that at least half of all employees start work in the workplace at or after 10am.

“The tripartite partners call on employers to implement staggered work hours more extensively.”

According to their data, peak-hour travel on public transport in January  2021 increased by 11%  compared to November 2020.

The different? One is in Phase 2 and one is in Phase 3, but there’s technically no changes in WFH arrangements in these two phrases yet.

They added, “While we understand the desire for more physical workplace interactions, we urge employers and employees to stay vigilant in the fight against COVID-19.

“The prevailing SMM (safe management measures) requirements are vital to continue safe reopening for the economy.”

No CNY Gathering or Lohei During This Period

Do you know that you can’t have any gathering in your workplace during this period, not even a small gathering to celebrate a colleague’s promotion?

Which brings us to the next point: while no one might not promote in the next few weeks, many companies usually organise lohei or a CNY dinner before or after Chinese New Year.

This will not be allowed.

For the new regulations on what you can’t do during Chinese New Year, read this article instead.

Featured Image: joyfull /