What To Do When Someone Calls Your Name From Behind During the 7th Month

Last Updated on 2024-07-26 , 9:44 am

Imagine this: You got off work late because you’ve a boss who takes a sadistic pleasure in making you work overtime.

Because it is the 7th month, everyone tries to get home early so you are the only one walking towards the lift lobby at the empty void deck.

Suddenly, you hear your name being called, and you are unsure of what to do.

Well, on any other day, you might just turn and say, “WHAT LAH!?”

But it’s the month when spirits and humans share the same world: what do you do?

The Unscientific But Safe Approach

Our first advice to you is not to respond. It was believed that not everyone can hear or see the spiritual world, and if the spirits are aware that you can sense them, they will be more than happy to disturb you.

Do not quicken your footstep, nor should you start panicking. Keep your breathing even and walk at your normal pace and just pray fervently that they won’t notice you.

But sometimes, this might not work because it might be a call for help. I mean, you can choose to walk away but if that was a real incident, you’d feel guilty for life when you realise that your inaction has caused harm to another person, so you will want to respond.

(i.e. use your common sense)

Now the trick is this, DO NOT turn your head to look over your shoulders, but turn your entire body instead.

Why is this so?

It is believed that each and every one of us has three lights on our shoulders – 1 on each shoulder and 1 on top of the head to protect us from malicious spirits. If we were to turn our head to look over one shoulder, we would have extinguished the light there.

Because this is human nature, we will usually peer over another side to scope out the place and basically, you extinguished another light.

So now, all that is left is the one single light on your head, which is not enough protection.

So the next time you hear someone calling for you in the middle of the night, either pretend to be clueless or turn your entire body because you might not know what they will do to you if they ever catch you!

Featured Image: Svetlanamiku / Shutterstock.com