What Would You Suggest a Tourist to Buy in S’pore 7-Eleven? Here’s our Take

Let’s face it: whenever we go to a new country, the first place that we’ll visit will be the local 7-Eleven. In the past, this was to buy a SIM card so that we can stay connected, but nowadays, it’s only for one purpose: to explore the culture.

Because where else can you find a familiar place with a different culture?

Now, if a tourist comes to Singapore and has the same habit, what would you suggest him to buy in Singapore’s 7-Eleven? Here’re some of our suggestions, and go ahead to agree to disagree!

Ready-to-eat Carrot Cake


The reason is simple: you’ll have the tourist going apeshit on wondering where the carrot and the cake are, only to complain that it’s a misrepresentation until you explain our food culture to them.

Of course, it’ll be better to bring them to a hawker centre to have the real black carrot cake, but hey, they can’t possibility have all the foods here, right?

Tiger Beer

Image: Varshini Trading
Image: Varshini Trading

Oh, come on, admit it: you do buy local beers in foreign country because you want to try them out, right? If so, why not suggest a homebrewed beer to them? Give that tourist a Tiger!

100 Plus

Image: Slick Presentations
Image: Slick Presentations

No, I’m not kidding.

You see, 100PLUS is only commonly found in Singapore and Malaysia, with its origins from Malaysia. In fact, in a Buzzfeed article, it is considered a “food” that makes Singapore such a worthy place to visit – so people actually do come to Singapore just to try this drink that we all grew up with.

Ready-to-eat Chicken Rice

Image: Facebook (7-Eleven Singapore)
Image: Facebook (7-Eleven Singapore)

You can’t go wrong with this, just like you can’t go wrong with buying 滷肉飯 in Taiwan and sushi in Japan.

Laska Instant Noodles

Image: Singapore Food Guide | Restaurants | Where to Eat
Image: Singapore Food Guide | Restaurants | Where to Eat

What’s a vacation without a laosai?

In fact, you can just tell the tourist that you can experience Malaysia culture by buying assam laksa instead. Then he’ll be confused on why Singapore and Malaysia have different cultures, when it’s supposed to be same same but different. Then tell them about 1965.