WHO Emergency Committee Objects to Needing COVID-19 Vaccination Proof for International Travel

Talks of international travel have been slowly coming back recently.

And in most cases, you would also need to be tested negative for COVID-19 in order to travel.

Don’t forget that many countries are also beginning to ramp up vaccination efforts, making it even less of a dream nowadays.

But this also begets the question: do you think we need evidence of vaccination before travelling (i.e. vaccine passport)?

To know more about vaccine passports, watch this video to the end:

WHO Emergency Committee Objects to Needing COVID-19 Vaccination Proof for International Travel

At the very least, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) emergency committee still doesn’t think so even when vaccines have been available for so long.

It was reported that the WHO was actually against needing travellers to have a vaccination-proof before being able to travel.

One of the reasons given was the minimal proof that vaccines could help reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

However, they also acknowledged that evidence for it was also growing.

They also said the distribution of vaccines across countries is unequal.

This came after some countries were considering launching vaccination passports, even for activities like sports.

It wasn’t positively received, however, with many saying it would lead to age and financial discrimination, as well as privacy concerns.

Countries such as China currently have a health certificate requirement for travellers.

Singapore and Malaysia are also working together to recognise each nations vaccination certificates for eventual cross-border travel.

Trying To Get More Vaccines Out

One other key topic discussed during the emergency meeting was about getting more vaccines out.

This would help reduce the inequality in the distribution in certain countries.

The WHO was also asked to accelerate research on the origins of the vaccine and regulate the animal market better.

In particular, selling and importing animals that may pose a high risk of transmitting the virus should be discouraged.

You can read the full details of WHO’s meeting over here.

Vaccines Are Not 100% Effective

You’re probably reading the header and feeling a bit panicky.

But don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it sounds.

To clarify: yes, you can still get afflicted by COVID-19 post-vaccination.

However, this is because the main goal of vaccines is to prevent the COVID-19 disease rather than infection.

“Vaccinated individuals would have developed immune memory against the Sars-CoV-2 virus such that upon natural infection, the rapid immune response would prevent these individuals from becoming ill,”  Professor Ooi Eng Eong from the Duke-NUS Medical School explained.

Still, this doesn’t mean it’s the perfect solution.

The Ministry of Health says that it is possible to be infected just before or just after vaccination since it usually takes a few weeks for an individual to build up immunity after taking the shots.

That, and different people’s bodies may also have different responses.

So don’t be complacent, vaccinated or not. Keep practising social distancing, wear your masks and don’t cough on people.

Featured Image: askarim / Shutterstock.com