WHO Praises S’pore on Leaving ‘No Stone Unturned’ & Urge Other Countries to Follow S’pore’s Style in Handling COVID-19

Just yesterday, we wrote about how a team of researchers from Harvard praised Singapore, calling our Covid-19 detection capability the best in the world.

And shortly after, we have another world-renowned organisation weighing in.

World Health Organisation “Very Impressed”

Lest you’re unaware, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) concerned with global health.

In short, very powerful and respected people.

Image: giphy.com

And on 18 Feb, these powerful and respected people said they are “very impressed” with how Singapore handled Covid-19.

Our tenacity at “leaving no stone unturned” and “checking every influenza-like and pneumonia case” impressed them.

“We are very impressed with the efforts they are making to find every case, follow up with contacts, and stop transmission.”

In fact, do you know that Singapore even install a tracker on confirmed case?

Learn from Singapore

Singapore has been called the “near-perfect gold standard” of detecting Covid-19 cases.

It was said that if the rest of the world has our standards, the number of Covid-19 cases will probably be three times more.

(Which could be why the number of cases in Singapore is so high)

And WHO agrees, citing the need for other countries to follow Singapore’s style “in the coming days and weeks”.

They would like to see directed, well-planned operations that contain, stop and slow down the spread of the coronavirus.

Excessive China?

China has been accused of being overly excessive in their Covid-19 measures but WHO has spoken up in support of them.

A lot is at stake, they said.

Not just for the public health of China, but the rest of the world as well.

So while they’d like to see “thought-out, evidence-based public health measures” that respects human rights, China is (at the moment) making the right choice.

Current Covid-19 Situation in Singapore

On 18 Feb 2020, it was reported that 4 new Covid-19 cases were detected.

But the good thing is, all four cases are linked. Which means there’s no sixth cluster just yet.

Out of the 81 patients, 29 of them have fully recovered and are discharged. 4 of them are in ICU while the condition of the remaining 48 patients are either stable or improving.

And the one-year-old boy who was diagnosed with Covid-19? He has been discharged.

Image: Gfycat

Well, for those who are worried about living in Singapore because we have the highest number of Covid-19 cases outside of Singapore?

You can now rest a bit easier.

Because this could simply mean that Singapore is better at detecting and reporting Covid-19 cases.

In the meanwhile, do bookmark MOH’s Covid-19 website which will be updated daily.