Wisdom Tooth Extraction Affects Chef’s Tastebuds So He Sues and Gets $105,000 in Damages


I used to work in the Food and Beverage industry, and I definitely have tons of respect for those in this industry.

Shout out to those working in this industry and are often under-appreciated, because some customers are a**holes.

Image: Giphy

I do admit though, there are amazing customers out there too.

Despite all this, one thing we can definitely agree on is how important taste buds are to those working in the kitchen.

In fact, it is important for everyone!

Unfortunately for this one chef, things went awry during a normal dental procedure.

Complications From Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Pawel Gajewski, 32, sued dentist Lee Tong Lynn after he suffered serious injury to his right lingual nerve from a wisdom tooth surgery.

Due to the injury, Mr Gajewski was unable to taste or distinguish the texture or temperature of the food with the right side of his tongue.

Which is pretty bad because he’s an Australian Chef who was working at Tippling Club

Mr Glen Tay, a colleague of his, said that Mr Gajewski was getting increasingly disheartened due to the difficulties he faced in leading the team as a head chef.

Wisdom Tooth Could Not Be Extracted

Mr Gajewski was supposed to have his wisdom tooth surgically extracted on 23 April 2013.

However, complications arose and his tooth could not be extracted.

The Deputy Registrar, Hairul Hakkim had noted that Mr Gajewski chances of recover are close to non-existent.

gif: Giphy

Compensation Due To Damage Caused

The case was first reported and damages were placed at $30,000.

This compensation was assessed based on the pain and suffering from the injury caused by the procedure.

Mr Gajewski was also awarded another $75,000 for the loss of earning capacity as he was unable to continue his career as a chef.


He did get a huge sum of money but he’s lost the ability to do what he loved.

Left His Job As A Chef

Mr Gajewski has since resigned from Tippling Club in December 2015 and returned to Melbourne.

He is currently providing consultancy service to clients who are intending to open a restaurant.

We sincerely hope that Mr Gajewski is handling this situation well, and we wish him all the best for his consultancy business!