Woman Bought New Pants Only to Find Used Sanitary Pad Inside Pocket


Ladies, I’m sure that for most of you out there, the sight of a bloodied pad comes as a norm to you.

And yea, I agree. As someone who bleeds from down there every month, seeing a pad drenched in blood comes as no surprise.

Sure, it might be disgusting but you get used to it. After all, it is your blood.

Image: Giphy

I guess the disgust only comes in when you find someone else’s used pad.

Now, that may be a familiar sight in a public toilet.

And trust me- I have seen the worse. Like pads everywhere kind of worse.

Image: Giphy

But never have I seen anything like this.

Woman Finds Used Pad In Pants 

This may look like a normal pair of pants.

Image: China Press

But this was what was found inside:

Image: China Press

To all my fellow male readers who can’t comprehend what this is, it’s a USED PAD. A pixelated one, of course.

Brb. Gagging. It’s as if I can smell the picture. 

Image: Giphy

And it wasn’t as if this was found casually inside the pocket of the pants. It was actually SEWN in.

Btw… if y’all don’t know… here’s a piece of valuable information: if the blood on a pad is brown it means that it has been left out there for a very, VERY long time.

The Poor Lady Who Bought The Pants 

Peyton, a 20-year-old woman from Washington went to Walmart supermarket to buy a pair of trousers for work.

She had bought the seemingly normal black slacks from Walmart, thinking it’d be suitable as workwear.

However, when she wore the trousers to work for the first time the next day, she felt a protruding object pressing against her from the back pocket of her pants.


“The Longer I Wore The Pants, The More Wrong It Felt.” 

That was when Peyton decided to cut inside the stitches of the pants pocket to take a look.

And that was when she discovered the unpleasant sight of a used sanitary pad.

Peyton had her fair share of bloody sights, having worked as an intern doctor, but this can’t compare to any of that.

Damn heng that she was wearing gloves when cutting open the pants. If not… I can’t even imagine.

Walmart Apologised 

After bringing the pants back to the store, a Walmart operator profusely apologised and Peyton received a full refund for the pants and a gift card as compensation.


As to how the pad got inside the pants in the first place… some things are better off in the dark.

Here’s A PSA To All Ladies Out There 

It turns out that this wasn’t the first time a used pad has been found in a place where it didn’t belong.

For instance, in August, a hotel staff found a used sanitary pad in a KETTLE of a five-star hotel.

Ladies, PLEASE. For the love of God, please dispose your pads properly.

Used pads belong in the sanitary bin.