Woman Didn’t Pay Cab Fare & Even Threw NETS Machine at Driver, Damaging It

Sometimes, it just doesn’t pay to be a cabby.

Violence. Runners. Sensual ladies. These are just some of the more maligned aspects that cabbies have to deal with on a daily basis.

Now you might be wondering; why on earth am I slandering taxi passengers like this? After all, am I not a routine taxi passenger myself?

Well, in answer, I present the following article…

A piece that highlights the daily struggles of a driver, and the irrational abuse they may face on an occasional basis.

Woman Didn’t Pay Cab Fare & Even Threw NETS Machine at Driver, Damaging It

At around midnight today (16 July), Facebook user Kelvin Chua posted an update on the social media site, detailing the horrific ordeal that his father, a taxi driver in his 70s, had allegedly faced the day before.

According to the post, a lady had boarded the cab at around 11:25 a.m. on 15 July, along AMK Ave 10 (beside Block 417).

She was not wearing a mask.

At 11:26 a.m., she allegedly asked to borrow the driver’s mobile to make a call. Kindly in nature, Chua’s father complied.

Throughout the 17-minute long journey, the lady made numerous calls and allegedly refused to return the phone, despite repeated requests from the driver.

At 11.42 a.m., they arrived at their destination: Prinsep Street. The lady proceeded to return the phone and asked Chua’s father to “wait here” without any explanation. Despite his request for payment (for the trip), she alighted and went on her way.

Suspicious, Chua’s father began following the lady.

Around 20 seconds later, the lady allegedly “turned around and swung her arm” at Chua’s father. Not about to give up, the driver persisted, only to be assaulted once again shortly after, this time with a pizza board (that was apparently retrieved from a restaurant).

Despite managing to block the blow with his arm, the driver’s watch ended up breaking from the impact.

At 11:45 a.m., the lady started walking back towards the taxi with payment in tow.

Unfortunately, it was not the monetary payment that the driver was looking for.

Grabbing the NETS machine, she allegedly “flung” it towards Chua’s father.

Though the machine was salvaged by the cord, it was still damaged from the blunt force trauma.

At 12:00 p.m., the police came, but the lady has long vacated the scene.

A police report has since been filed, and eyewitnesses are encouraged to step forward with their testimonies.

You can view the full Facebook post down below:

Netizens Channel Their Inner Blood Rage

Despite being posted just nine hours ago, the Facebook entry has already garnered 1K likes & reactions, as well as a whopping 3.5K shares.

There were also 548 comments in the feedback section, with many lambasting the lady for her outlandish behaviour and treatment towards the cabby. Some have also called for her to be punished by the law.

Image: Facebook (Kelvin Chua)

It should be noted, however, that several Netizens cautioned the cabby (and cabbies in general) to never give their phone to passengers.

Image: Facebook (Kelvin Chua)

Considering how there will always be that one black sheep…

I would say that the concern is well validated.

With that said, we hope that Chua and his father will be able to track down the woman soon and that the necessary measures will be implemented.

Life is tough enough for our own cab driverslet’s not make life any harder for them.

Speaking about not making life harder for yourself, watch this simple and entertaining video on how to make your home life easier with faster WiFi: