Strange Man Caught Calmly Shooting Boba Pearls From His Straw at a Signboard in Woodlands & He’s Surprisingly Accurate


Boredom makes us do strange things.

Really strange things.

For instance, one could be like my Uncle Tommy, who was swinging his underwear over his head like a lasso the other day. When confronted questioned, he simply said that he had nothing to do and his underwear was calling out to him.

“Call me Underwearna Jones, baby!”

Or one could be like my Aunt Matilda, who was caught looking up old men on the Internet the other day. When prompted, she replied that she was bored and craving ‘sugar’.

“At your age, you’re better off finding salt to preserve your impending corpse,” I said.

I barely made it out alive.

Or of course, one could be like this elderly man over here, who was caught on video shooting bubble tea pearls out of a straw at a signboard. And though I was not there, I can picture our conversation going something like this:

“Uncle, what’re you doing?”

“Shooting bubble tea pearls lo.”

“For what sia?”

“You know what they say,” he shrugged. “You can take a man out of Army… but you can never take the Army out of a man.” 

And with that, he fired.

Pew pew.

Man Is So Bored, He Was Caught Shooting Boba Pearls from His Straw at a Signboard in Woodlands

According to Mothershipan elderly man has been caught on video near Woodlands North Plaza firing bubble tea pearls out of a straw at a signboard.

Image: Screengrab YouTube (News Video)

The metal signboard, situated just across a pedestrian pathway, served as target practice for the evidently fired-up man. Pearls hit the signboard with popping sounds that simulate music to the ears, not unlike the bangs we hear with our earplugs in.


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And with visible marks rampant all over the back of the signboard, one should not underestimate the elderly man’s marksman ability.

Image: Mothership

It should be noted that even with other passers-by within the vicinity at that time, the elderly did not appear perturbed.

Such concentration, such will. Truly, what a soldier.

Though admittedly, the fact that nobody was there to broadcast the “Own time, own target” modus operandi does take a little away from the elderly man’s victorious feat. As former enlistees would be more than aware of, firing without permission is strictly disallowed, and if severe enough, could even land one in the dreaded detention barracks.

Be careful, Sir. Just because they’re tapioca bullets does not make them any less dangerous, especially with your level of accuracy.


Now, while it’s unclear whether such ‘shooting practice’ qualifies as vandalism or even public disturbance, one is advised not to engage in such acts. After all, boredom is one thing;

Getting bored and inadvertently committing a crime is a whole different ball game.

So be wise, be vigilant and do the right thing. As Army officers would say:

Don’t try to test the system.

P.s. Try blowing bubbles instead. Same motion, different level of difficulty.

You can watch the full video down below:
