Yanxi Palace Actress Gets Second Degree Burns From Cupping Session Gone Wrong

A kid that I was once playmates with had a giant Zuko-like scar on the left side of his face. It was a pretty distinct mark that was neither ugly nor pretty.

Image: Giphy

When I asked, he told me he got it from playing with his father’s lighter.

He said it added the right touch of character. Like as if the humongous mole on his left eyebrow wasn’t enough of a distinctive trait.

Image: Tumblr

The last I heard of him was when he tried to rope me into buying an insurance plan.

At that point, the mole and the scar had become more than just an aesthetic. It was a personality trait.

Image: Tumblr

Now that I’ve taken you through yet another nonsensical recollection, I shall move on to the whole point of this article.

Chinese actress, Deng Sha, who stars in the hit drama series, Yanxi Palace has sustained severe burns after a cupping therapy session went south.

Image: Viki

According to the actress’ doctor, the burns are bound to leave some scars.

Suffered Second Degree Burns on Eight Percent of Her Body

The actress had taken the incident up to the Chinese social media platform, Weibo. She uploaded an image of her doctor’s report and a few disturbing snapshots of her injuries.

Image: Weibo (Deng Sha)

Deng Sha had gone to an unnamed spa during the wee hours of 9 December. The actress shared that she had felt tired and opted for a massage and a cupping session to unwind.

Luck had clearly left her side in an unfortunate twist of events.

The cupping session left the 34-year-old actress with second-degree burns on eight percent of her body.

Warning: The following images may be disturbing to some. View at your own discretion.


Image: Weibo (Deng Sha)

Doctor Can’t Yet Comment On The Severity Of Scarring

Deng Sha’s doctor had told her that she can expect some scarring from her more serious burns.

She shared that her doctor was unable to comment on the severity of the burns as her wounds were still in the early process of healing.

Image: Weibo (Deng Sha)

Actress’ Advice To Her Followers

Deng Sha included a few points of advice for her followers if they ever encountered a similar problem.

  • She suggested they have their hair tied up. This was to avoid the chances of it catching fire and burning their faces.
  • She also told them to remain calm and stay rational.
  • She advised her followers to extinguish the fire with a wet cloth or towel.
  • The burn should then be treated immediately upon extinguishing the flame. She told them to use cold water. The burns should not be treated with toothpaste or medical oils as these were useless.
  • Finally, she told them to see a doctor.

According to TODAYonline, the actress is expected to have her next checkup in three weeks. The extent of the burns’ damage will only be told to her then.

The Goody Feed team wishes Deng Sha a speedy and smooth recovery!

Image: Giphy