Police Investigating Viral Footage of Youths in PMDs Acting Suspiciously in a Carpark


When we think about Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), we probably think of loud manyao music and “young punks” (i.e. unruly teenagers) riding on them.

Well, this time around, at least one of the criteria is met.

Recently, a video of teenagers on PMDs was uploaded onto SG Road Vigilante’s (SGRV’s) social media platforms.

While the fact that they were on PMDs wasn’t that much of an issue, their actions definitely caught the eye of many Singaporeans, and not in a good way.

In particular, they were filmed acting suspiciously in a multi-storey car park in Canberra, and it seemed like they were trying to find things such as cash cards to take from unlocked cars and the in-vehicle units (IUs) and top boxes of motorcycles.

Here’s what happened.

Youths Captured on Dashboard Camera Footage, Tried to Look for Things to Take

According to the video posted yesterday (23 February), the incident occurred on Monday (20 February) within the multi-storey car park at Block 117 Canberra Cresent.

The video, which came from dashboard camera footage, showed that the youths were at the car park at 5.03 pm that day based on the timestamp in the footage.

At the start, one of the male youths tried to check if the door of a car in the car park was unlocked by riding over to the side of the vehicle.

Later in the video, which lasted for over a minute, another two youths, one male and one female, came into the frame. They were riding a PMD.

A fourth person walked into the frame as well.

Two of the youths decided to walk to the motorcycles that were parked nearby and started to look at them extensively as if they were searching for something.

In total, they peered around at the IUs and top boxes of five motorcycles while their peers looked at them and waited for them to finish.

The youths also opened the rear compartment of a motorcycle.

After they were done, the group of four rode off.


Throughout the video, none of the youths involved seemed to have noticed that they were being filmed.

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Police Are Currently Investigating

After the incident occurred, the police confirmed that someone had filed a report regarding the incident.

Investigations are ongoing.

With regards to keeping one’s vehicle safe when parking it in a public car park, the police recommended that vehicle owners invest in an anti-theft alarm system and keep it well-maintained.

Apart from that, owners should ensure that they do not leave valuable belongings such as laptops, mobile phones and cash cards before walking away from their vehicles and that they should also make sure that their vehicles are locked whenever unattended.
