10 Everyday Activities You Do That Actually Damage Your Brain


There are certain bad habits that we know we should be getting rid of. Yet, we still can’t stick by it. (I’m guilty too!)

The lack of motivation is real. However, do you know that certain habit actually damages your brain? According to a list by Greenyatra Facebook Page, these everyday habits are not just bad habits; they damage your brain, too.

1. No Breakfast

Do you belong to the group of people who do not like to take breakfast? It is not advisable to do so; breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day for a reason. Not eating breakfast really lowers your blood sugar level, affecting the supply of nutrients to the brain. 

2. Overeating

While there are some people who do not like to eat breakfast, there are others who tend to overeat. Eating food that the body does not need causes an accumulation of residual substances in the form of fats and hardening of the cerebral arteries, which can decrease your mental power as a result.

3. Forcing the Brain when You’re Sick

It is advisable to rest and recuperate when you are sick. Your brain has to do a lot of work to help your body get rid of the bacteria or infection when it is more vulnerable. If you force it to work, it’s exposed to extra burden, which is ultimately bad for health. If you need to take a rest, please do so for the sake of your brain! It will thank you later.

4. Smoking

Smoking considerably reduces brain matter as well as oxygen supply to the brain. It has been proven to promote the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. 

5. High sugar intake

The over-consumption of sugar is linked to overeating, poor memory formation, learning disorders and even depression! These linkages point to a problem that is only beginning to be better understood: what our chronic intake of added sugar is doing to our brains.

6. Air pollution

Given that the brain is the largest oxygen consumer in your body, it is not surprising that air pollution affects your brain’s efficiency. Inhaling polluted air reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain, which in turn have negative effects.

7. Sleep deprivation

Ah, yes, this is a major problem of working adults and students pulling all-nighters just to complete projects and assignments. However, you don’t only end up being drowsy the next day, it actually speeds up the death of your brain cells in the long term. 

8. Covering your head while sleeping

Gaseous exchange is a requirement between our body cells and the atmosphere. If we cover our head while sleeping, it leaves a bad impact on our brain. So try not to cover your head while you’re asleep. It’s a very bad habit that people are used to doing when cold!

9. Excessive Junk Food

A little junk food never hurts, especially when you need it to prevent food fatigue. However, eating it on a consistent basis will prevent your brain cells from obtaining the healthy nutrients needed to survive. This will really kill your brain cells in the long term. 

10. Too much alcohol 

Same goes for alcohol, a little doesn’t hurt. It only becomes a problem when it is excessive. If you are an alcoholic or you frequently “drink too much alcohol,” you will most likely kill more brain cells.

Now that you’ve got an extra reason to change your habits, it’s probably time to take action. Although we understand how difficult it is to cultivate good habits, sometimes all it takes is a little more perseverance. 

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Featured Image: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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