10 Hilarious Differences Between Keeping a Dog and Keeping a Cat


Last Updated on 2023-05-31 , 9:08 am

Disclaimer: If it’s not obvious enough, we’ll highlight it now: we’re just trying to be funny. If you’re easily offended or you’re extremely self-righteous online, we suggest that you click away now.

In Singapore, there lies two groups of people: the group that firmly believes dogs are the greatest creatures to emerge in our world, and another group that thinks that cats are the cutest things to exist in the entire world. I belong to the latter, while many people I know belong to the former.

Now, what happens when we have an argument a peaceful debate about whether keeping a dog or a cat is better? Here’re the differences (and I promise not to be impartial).

Dog owners are sporty and cat owners are couch potatoes
A dog will get depressed if you don’t take it out for its regular walks, so dog owners tend to be sporty as walking the dog can be considered a good workout. If you try to take a cat out for a walk, either it scratches you or it’ll end up in another country by itself.

Dog owners and cat owners have different things to look forward to once they’re home
Dog owners will have their dogs at the entrance, wagging their tails and welcoming them home. Cat owners will have broken vases, opened microwave ovens and torn sofas welcoming them home.

Dog owners spend a lot of time with their dogs while cat owners spend a lot of time without their cats
Dogs need attention—lots of attention. They love their owners so much that some of them could not leave them for mere five minutes. Cats hate attention—if cat owners just merely stare at the cats for a couple of seconds, the cats will hide under the bed because looking at them is a violation of their privacy.

Dog owners make a lot of friends while cat owners make a lot of enemies
If you’ve been to a park with many dog owners, you’ll have seen them sitting together at one corner and chatting about their dogs. These are all the new friends bonded by their dogs. If you’re a cat owner, you’ll make many enemies as your cats disturb not just your neighbours, but whatever things they’ve placed outside their door.

Dog owners find excitement in activities while cat owners find excitement in doing nothing
If you’ve seen a house with a cat and a dog, you’ll get the idea: the dog will go apeshit at everything while a cat just sits down there and do absolutely nothing. For hours. Or even days.

Dog owners go out often while cat owners stay in often
Just like #1, dog owners are required to walk the dog regularly, so staying in at home isn’t one of their pastimes. Cat owners just like to stay home and stare at their cats, and then #3 happens again. It’s a chicken and egg issue, you know.

Cat owners are much more independent than dog owners
That’s one of the reasons why cat owners have a cat, right: so that they’ll have more time alone, as a dog is always seeking for attention? No?

Dog owners won’t eat dog food while cat owners often have cat food
Most domestic dogs in Singapore take dry food while domestic cats have wet food (i.e. canned food). That’s why you often see dog owners carrying a large pack of food while cat owners would sometimes mistake their cats’ canned food as the new canned tuna and have it with their sandwich.

Dog owners are better listeners than cat owners
According to an article in Huffington Post, dog owners tend to listen more and follow instructions, while cat owners are slightly more rebellious. Now, is that cool or what?

Cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners
According to the same article, cat lovers scored higher on intelligence than dog owners. Okay, this one seal the deal.

Featured Image: De Jongh Photography / Shutterstock.com

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com
