9 things to do with the loose coins you’ve accumulated for years


Last Updated on 2017-05-21 , 2:02 pm

If you have the habit of saving up all your spare change, whether it’s because of your own saving habit or just to lighten the load on your wallet, you must have wondered at some point of time about what to do with all that money. It’s not a sum of money to be scoffed at if it has been accumulating for years!

However, besides merely counting it like the Scrooge, you might actually want to do something more productive with all those coins.

Deposit it (for free?)
To prevent inflation from eating up the value, you might want to keep the coins in your bank account and then invest it elsewhere. However, if you want to save that small amount of money from coin deposit and you happen to have kids, you can deposit the coins for free using the kids’ bank accounts!

Donate it to flag day volunteers
If you can’t be bothered to bring out and spend it, at least put the money to good use and goodwill! There are many flag day volunteers going around houses to source for donations!

Exchange them with hawker centre or food court stalls
They are often happy to get change since changing notes to coins will incur bank charges too. Change your coins for free with them!

Use in the vending machines
They accept almost all types of coins, and you get a drink in return! Plus, it’s almost like a free drink since you have probably already forgotten the stash of coins up till now.

Use it to pay for your kopi
A kopi a day keeps the sleep bug away. If a cup costs 70 cents, then you will probably use up your stash in less than a few months!

Make some DIY art
If you have one cent coins, you should know by now that they are basically worthless. Why not start an art project? Plus, the coins can help to attract good fortune in your house.

Use for Chinese New Year gambling
Of course, don’t use ten or twenty cent coins lah, be considerate! $1 coins are useful for small bets!

Use for mahjong games
Your mahjong kakis might be pissed, but hey, at least you pay your debts!

Use it as a support for chairs and tables
If your furniture is always wobbling due to uneven legs, the coins can come in handy to balance them.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com