Grab Driver Receives Many 5-Star Ratings & 1 of them Is Coz He’s ‘Too Handsome’


Grab drivers sure have it tough.

Aside from having to deal with problematic passengers, they also have to make sure that their ratings always stay above a certain level. Dip below, and they can kiss their Grab career bye.

So how do they do it? Well, they just gotta read the mood, be approachable, not look like a serial murderer and according to this piece I just got my hands on, be handsome.

Yeah, I’m not smoking you. Being handsome could earn you a 5-star rating.

Image: Muhammad Redha Facebook Page

Meanwhile, hardworking, family-oriented and generally not handsome Grab drivers’ll be like…

Image: meme generator

“Old uncle targeting your pi pi”

Just yesterday (23 Nov), Facebook user Muhammad Redha posted the flattering review in Facebook group Singapore Taxi Driver, alongside this caption:

Image: Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook Page

Just saying, but if I can get free rides for the rest of my life just for that, I’m willing to give not just 1 but 10 5 star reviews alongside the reason: too damn handsome until my ovaries explode.

Best deal I would have made in my entire life. Hands down.

But it would seem that Netizens weren’t as happy for the guy as me, with comments that suggest borderline suspicion.

Image: Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook Page
Image: Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook Page
Image: Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook Page
Image: Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook Page

Wouldn’t be surprised if their comments hit the mark though.

The world isn’t really a fair place

While some Grab drivers are busy entertaining stage 4 resting bitch faced passengers in hopes of a favourable review, lucky dudes are earning everything with just their chiselled jawlines and Ryan Gosling gazes.


Yep, the world sure is a fair market.

On a related note, Korea, anyone?

I reckon it’ll be worth it.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!


This article was first published on

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Featured image: Facebook (Muhammad Redha)