Wah, Now Taxis Have Charging Port & TV. Bet You Uber/Grab Kias Didn’t Know!

Got someone beside you now? Ask them what’s one thing they can’t live without?

Ask someone you know, lest you get beaten up.

I bet they are probably USING that one thing they can’t live without – their phones.

Personally, I can leave my phone aside for a few hours but I can’t NOT bring them out. I think in my entire life, I probably had less than 5 times where I left my phone at home.

It was… hell of an experience. I reacted this way:

Image: memes.com

I suffered from withdrawal symptoms. Walking around school worrying for that one text that’s not read or the latest juicy updates on Kpop stars.

You just worry, for no real reason at all.

But there’s another situation that would make us scream:

Phone running out of juice.

Image: quickmeme.com

When your phone is running low on batt and you stare at the percentage desperately, hoping that it will remain at 10%.

But blink once, and you see it drop to single digit. The number 9 has never haunted you so bad. Except for times when waiting for bus 99 takes forever, just like its name (okay granted it has got better in recent years).

Those who have their eyes glued to their screens would be suffering from situational depression, I swear.

Great if you have a power bank but not good news if your power bank is also out of juice.

Image: memeshappen.com

So at this moment, if you find yourself in a taxi that has a charging port, you’ll be like…

Image: quickmeme.com

Only 1,000 ComfortDelGro taxis so what are the chances you would get one?

I’ll live that to your imagination. But fact of the matter is, 1,000 ComfortDelGro taxis were installed with TV screens armed with USB ports so you and I can charge our mobile phones before we fall deeper into depression.

Image: todayonline.com

But there’s more than meets the eye on a business level.

These TV screens were installed by outdoor advertising arm of ComfortDelGro, Moove Media, according to Ms Tammy Tan, ComfortDelGro’s group corporate communications officer.

Advertising on ComfortDelGro’s new TV screens costs S$11,000 for a 30-second spot over 3 months on 300 taxis.

Oh yeah, subject yourself to advertisements and you get to charge your handohone.

I guess this is one way to increase revenue for stiff competition from other ride-sharing companies like Uber and Grab.

There are incentives for drivers who allow screens to be installed in their cabs, according to Comfort taxi driver, Mr. Mok Chun Kong who had it installed in his Hyundai i40 cab. For that, he received a S$25 diesel voucher.

Besides that, Mr. Mok, who has been with Comfort for 32 years, said the screens were primarily for advertisements, and drivers collect a stamp for every change in advertising. They will receive a S$50 diesel voucher on the fourth change.

So having charging ports for us is secondary? Hmm.

He further added that, “Some of them (passengers) who don’t want to see (the screens), they will switch them off. Just the picture only — no volume.”

So that kind of make me wonder, if it’s worth it to advertise on those screens?

As a consumer, the moment I get on a cab, I’ll say “hello” first (of course), and then glue my eyes on the screen. My phone, not that of the TV. And then charge it, because who cares about advertisements?

Well, unless they are giving us excess to Netflix or the equivalent.

Hmm, what do you think?

Charger for advertisements, or powerbanks for the win?

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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