NUS Finally Disciplines Students About R21 Orientation Games After Years, Because Internet


Because shit only happens when things go viral on the Internet.

In this case, the students at NUS finally got their deserving punishments after the entire NUS orientation camp saga went viral over the Internet. If you haven’t caught up with it, you can read about them here and here.

In a report by The Straits Times,  Professor Tan Eng Chye, NUS’ deputy president (academic affairs) and provost has stated the range of punishments meted out. Some of which includes suspension for one semester, fines of up to $2,000 and mandatory community service of up to 100 hours.

The school issued punishments to over 30 senior students for inappropriate behavior during its freshman orientation period in July.

This includes organizing raunchy games between students of opposite sex and inciting them to participate in games that bear sexual and incestuous connotations. The investigations involved about 400 senior students and freshmen

Other disciplinary actions included behavioural rehabilitation programmes “focused on respect and socially acceptable behaviour”, statements of reflection on the incidents, and official reprimands which will be on permanent record.

The students who were disciplined were highly involved in orientation camps that were organised for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the NUS Students’ Union.

“We therefore expect all orientation activities at NUS to be meaningful, safe and fully respectful of the dignity of those participating,” he added.

“We also expect our students – seniors and freshmen alike – to behave in a manner befitting of this highly regarded university community.”

NUS Orientation Student Camps have always been the talk of the town, but the school has not taken such drastic measures until today, when news broke out all over the Internet and  the school’s reputation was gravely at stake.

All hail the power of social media.

This article was first published on