Woman Almost Died In Automated Car Park Coz She Was Busy Playing With Her Phone


Ignoring people (and everything around you) for your phone is the norm these days.

This is what we call, phubbing.

Image: giphy.com

No, I did not make that term up btw.

Phubbing is when you snub others in favour of your mobile phone. Personally, I am guilty of it; at times I am jumping across apps (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) repeatedly even when there is no notification.

This bad habit could actually affect our relationship with our friends and family, not being present in the current moment.

But what if I told you, phubbing can actually send you to the hospital with a broken leg.

That’s what happened to a woman in Jiangsu province.

What happened

The CCTV captured the entire incident.

The said woman was totally oblivious to her surrounding as she was making her way to the vertical parking lot.

Image: v.qq.com

Not paying attention to the warning signs in the carpark, she walked right into a lift where a car drove out (which could have easily knocked her down) and judging from the video, it seems like she wasn’t aware that she is a vehicle lift, to begin with.

Image: v.qq.com

But it was too late for that.

When the lift descended, another car drove right in and knocked her down. Luckily, the security guard patrolling the vicinity pressed the emergency stop button after hearing her cry for help.

Image: v.qq.com

She was rushed to the hospital as her left leg was crushed.


Luckily she is in stable condition, the situation could have easily taken a turn for the worse.

I hope we all can learn from this coz’ your life is worth more than your phone.

You can watch the entire clip here.


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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: v.qq.com
