10 Facts About Carrie Wong, The Attached Actress Who’s Embroiled in the Leaked IG DMs

Last Updated on 2020-02-20 , 2:39 pm

Think you know Carrie Wong?

I bet my boss’s car that before the so-called Ian-Carrie saga, many of you didn’t know about Carrie Wong. You might have seen the beauty on TV but couldn’t make out her name. Or maybe you remember her as the onscreen partner of Aloysius Pang.

So, who’s Carrie Wong? How popular is she? And why is she typing in Chinese if she’s a Singaporean, since most Singaporeans can’t even speak Chinese fluently?

Well, wonder no more because here are ten facts about this self-made celebrity.

Carrie Wong was a Blogshop Model Before Joining Showbiz

“I bought my clothes from a blogshop,” said no one ever.

But in the past, say in the early 2000s, girls waited anxiously in front of their laptop, refreshing a certain LiveJournal website repeatedly so that once a new dress is out, they’d buy it immediately.

Yes, it was that intense.

Unlike some other celebrities who started out as a professional model, Carrie Wong used to be a blogshop model when she was studying in Nanyang Polytechnic. But it wasn’t blogshop that propelled her to showbiz.

It was something offline instead.

Hey! Gorgeous

If you’re as old as me, you’d remember a variety show whereby Dennis Chew and Belinda Lee went to different tertiary insitions to look for good-looking students. I remember standing around, hoping to be spotted but they went for my friends instead.

First aired in 2004, it was known as School Belle and the Beau (流星花园), and it launched the career of uncle Elvin Ng, who was then an undergraduate in NUS.

Time passed, and in 2007, Hey! Gorgeous (校花校草追赶跑), which is pretty much similar to School Belle and the Beau, started. The second season began in 2013 instead, and that was when Carrie Wong, who was studying Hospitality and Tourism Management in NYP, was spotted.

However, she did not win the contest; instead, she was the second runner-up. But that was enough for her, together with other Hey! Gorgeous contestants, to star in a Channel U drama.

Most of the contestants did not continue in showbiz, but Carrie did.

In fact, she did better than most, if not all, the other contestants.

Signed Contract with Mediacorp

After she graduated from NYP, she signed a full-time contract with Mediacorp and starred in Scrum! (冲锋), which also included other Hey! Gorgeous contestants.

But it was her performance in other dramas that year (2014) that brought her mainstream fame.

She took up supporting roles in blockbuster dramas like Against The Tide, The Journey: Tumultuous Times and even the super-long-like-never-will-finish drama 118.

That was enough to make her a second “Ah Jie” as she was given lead roles the next year (2015).

And to show how popular she is? She has been getting the Top 10 Most Popular Female Artistes in Star Awards ever since then, including this year’s awards (which, if you’ve remembered, is for the Pioneer Generation).

Renew Contract with Mediacorp Recently

With some Mediacorp celebrities leaving the national broadcaster, Carrie Wong did not abandon the company that brought her her success: in end 2018 (which is just a few months back), she signed a new contract with Mediacorp.

In other words, you’re going to see more of her…if this “scandal” doesn’t affect anything.

In a Relationship with a Secretive Boyfriend

Everyone’s gossiping about the Instagram DMs leak for one reason: Carrie Wong is attached. After all, no one would have batted an eye if both Carrie and Ian are single.

And do note that I didn’t indicate “rumoured to be”, because she has gone public with her relationship status.

Just early this year, during Valentine’s Day, she posted an image on Instagram with Boris Lin with this caption: “The courage you gave me is what allows me to be strong for you.”

The photogenic Boris Lin, who is rumoured to be a Taiwanese, has previously posted several images of them together. During Valentine’s Day, he, too, posted an image of them together with this caption: “Actually, it’s never been easy for both of us. But we’ll go through everything together, no matter what happened. I can’t promise to solve all of your problems but I promise you’ll never face them alone. Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you.”

Yeah, more or less confirmed liao lah.

Based on Boris Lin’s account, it seems like they’ve been dating for about a year.

But you can’t see the images from Boris Lin anymore as he has made his account private after that.

Of course, you’d be thinking that you can see Boris Lin in Carrie Wong’s Instagram account, since she would definitely keep it public.

Well, no.

Deleted Image After Going Public

One day after Carrie “went public”, the image of her and her bae was removed.

Broken up so fast?

No lah.

When 8 Days pressed her for more information, she tried dodging the question, but revealed that it’s a “privacy thing”, and that they’re “all good”. Also, she was the one who removed the image, and mentioned that when the time is right, she would reveal more.

Her manager then stopped her from answering more questions about this.

And here’s something even more interesting.

She Broke Up With Her Ex-Boyfriend After Going into Showbiz

Before she became a celebrity, she was attached to a coursemate in NYP. Her ex then had different opinions about showbiz, and she decided to end the relationship with him. She added, “I knew he could not accept me getting so much attention and having the limelight on me, so I chose my career over love…My future boyfriend needs to be very mature and be able to accept this.”

And just so you know, she stands at 174cm – which is higher than my boss. And according to an interview in 2015, that has deterred guys from wooing her.

Now, I don’t know Boris Li’s height, but Ian Fang is at 181cm. Just saying, you know.

Carrie Wong is often Remembered as an Onscreen couple with Aloysius Pang

Some of us would remember her as the onscreen couple of Aloysius Pang, and it’s for a good reason.

The actress has been paired up with Aloysius Pang as onscreen lovers for three dramas, and as siblings (alien siblings lah) for one. If you’ve watched their shows, you’d see that these two good-looking celebrities do have a chemistry on screen.

In fact, they were supposed to be filming another drama together this year, but due to Aloysius’ unfortunate passing, the role was given to Lawrence Wong instead.

Suffice to say, she’s a good friend of Aloysius.

Good in Chinese

Over in Baddy Feed, we’ve a Chinese major and also someone who’s extremely good in Chinese (she did the translation of subtitles for our videos). However, despite that, we still communicated in English, especially so in our text messages.

So it’s rather surprising to see Carrie and Ian texting each other in Chinese.

But it’s for a good reason.

Ian was born in China, so texting in Chinese shouldn’t be an issue.

Carrie comes from a Chinese-speaking family, with a Malaysian Chinese as her mother. Unlike some of us who preferred Netflix, Carrie often watched Hong Kong and Chinese TV dramas.

In fact, she attributed her initial success due to her fluency in Chinese, saying, “Many 1990s kids don’t like to speak Mandarin. I’ve been speaking Mandarin from young.”

Bought Her $120,000 Car With Sponsorships

Carrie is a self-made celebrity: her father is retired (used to work in a security firm) while her mother is a housewife.

And everything she’s got, she got it with her own efforts, including her $120,000 car.

According to an interview, she had bought her own car with her endorsement earnings. Not bad for a 20+ lady!

Now, while the “scandal” might have caused embarrassment, do remember this: this is a leaked content that isn’t supposed to be out.

In fact, after doing research on Carrie, I’ve grown to support her for her rags-to-riches story, and hope that she’d continue to shine.

What say you?