10 Facts About Our Tampines Hub, The Latest Gem in The East

Our Tampines Hub was just opened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 6 August 2017. There’s so many things to know about this great place, which is our country’s very first integrated community and lifestyle center.

Here are 10 facts that you had to know if you stay in the east! And for people living in the west, here are the facts that would make you drool.

There’s a BIG Stadium
Yep, the stadium is so huge that it can seat up to 5,000 people at a time. The stadium also has a high-end synthetic football pitch known as the Town Square.

Image: Great Deals Singapore

It Started Operating Much Earlier
The doors to the community hub was made available to the public since last November, with more and more sections made available over the past couple of months. In fact, this year’s May Day Rally was conducted there!

Not One, But SIX Rooftop Pools
There’s a pool for pretty much everything – a competition pool, a wading pool, a training pool, a Jacuzzi pool, a deep pool for those who want to play water polo or practices synchronized swimming and finally an interactive outdoor pool designed with kids in mind. Wah, now I don’t even mind learning how to swim leh.

Facilities for the Community
There’s the Festive Plaza, which is essentially a community space smack at the center of Our Tampines Hub. If you want to grocery shop or check out the food court, head to the Festive Mall. The Public Service Center is open round the clock, so you won’t have to worry about visiting any one of the 12 government agencies at 4 in the morning!

The community health center and family medical clinic is operated by the Eastern Health Alliance.

An Eco-Garden Too!
Head over to Level 5, and you’ll be able to soak in the sights of the eco-garden. The place is cared for by volunteers.

The Tampines Regional Library
Feel like you want to start reading again? This library is decked with books and an open concept – perfect for you to indulge in a thriller or a literary pick.

The ecoHybrid Digester
Our Tampines Hub has invested in this eco-friendly baby that decomposes food waste safely. It takes only one day to process a huge load of 14 tonnes of food waste, which is supplied by the Hawker Center, the F&B establishments and the supermarket within.

Now that’s a successful way to go green!

Check Out the Gym
Only the best and latest fitness equipment can be found in this gym, which spreads across a massive 9,000 square feet. Active SG manages the gym. The gym was placed here to help engage people towards a fitness-orientated lifestyle.

Image: ActiveSG

An All-Inclusive Children’s Playground
As the title says, this playground is specifically designed to allow children with special needs to have a fun time too, and not left out from playing outside. The playground is currently the largest in Tampines.

Rooftop Garden and Barbeque Pits
There’s absolutely no need to hunt for a place to show of your BBQ skills. Head over to the grills here which gives you the means to dine outdoors. There are even dedicated Halal pits. Rental costs apply.

This really sounds like a dream come true. Time to head over to Tampines MRT station and walk over to check out this hub. Healthy lifestyle has got a terrific new centre in Singapore!

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: Great Deals Singapore