10 Facts About the Free Public Transport for NSmen / NSFs on 30 June 17

Would you actually put on your NS uniform just to get free bus or train rides? Well, I for one won’t, but still, this is a good gesture from public transport operators.

So here’s the news that has everyone talking about on a Monday: national servicemen will get free rides on all public buses and trains on 30 June 2017. The only condition is that they have to be in their uniform (what the…goody idea).

Here are the tens facts about this initiative that we, despite how much we appreciate, just find…weird.

One Condition. Just One Condition Only

As mentioned, you just need to be in your uniform. I don’t know why they won’t let us show our 11B instead, because that seems like a more effective, and much more feasible, manner.

But hey, beggars can’t be choosers, eh?

What kind of uniform?

We as NSmen have many uniform, and from the look of it, it seems like it’s almost any set of uniform. Here’s the full list:  


  • 1st Generation Temasek Green Uniform
  • 2nd Generation SAF Uniform
  • SAF No. 3 Uniform (Army, Navy, Air Force and Provost)
  • SAF No. 4 Uniform (Army, Navy and Air Force)


  • SPF Community Engagement Officer Uniform
  • SPF Neighbourhood Police Centre Officer Uniform
  • SPF Police Coast Guard Officer Uniform
  • SPF Protective Security Command (ProCOm) Uniform
  • SPF Public Transportation Security Command (TransCom) Uniform
  • SPF Special Operations Command Uniform
  • SPF Vigilante Corps Uniform


  • SCDF No. 3 Uniform (Officer, Provost)
  • SCDF No. 4 Uniform
  • SCDF Emergency Medical Specialist Field Dress

Of course, the first question is this: can police officers wear their uniform when they’re not on duty? And won’t it be, for the lack of word, shocking to see a TransCom officer in the train…unarmed without his beret?

Or worse: won’t we complain or Stomp him?

Why This Initiative?

If you’d have realized, the authorities have been pushing for more recognition for NSmen, especially so when it’s NS50. Other than giving vouchers and suggesting others to salute us (thanks but, erm, no thanks), this is yet another initiative to thank NSmen.

Here’s the joint press release by the public transport operators: “As part of the commemorative efforts for 50 years of National Service (NS50), all past and present national servicemen from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will enjoy free travel on public buses and trains operated by public transport operators Go-Ahead Singapore, SBS Transit, SMRT Corporation and Tower Transit Singapore on 30 June 2017.”

You know, I hope Uber and Grab will also do this. #justsaying

How Long Will It Be?

It’ll be for the entire day on 30 June 2017 (it’s a Friday), which starts from the first bus / train to the last bus / train. Interestingly enough, it also includes Nite Owl and NightRider.

Which Companies are Involved?

Basically, it’s all public transport operators. And if you’ve been living in a cave for too long, or you’re a driver who has lost touch with the number of new MRT stations built, there’re now four public transport operators: Go-Ahead Singapore, SBS Transit, SMRT Corporation and Tower Transit Singapore.

Once again, I really hope Uber and Grab are reading this. *waves* *hello* *thank me please?*

How to Get the Free Rides?

If you’re taking the bus, you need to board the bus without tapping your Ez-link card. Smiling at the bus captain is optional but I would suggest that you do it.

For MRT, simply approach the control station staff and they’ll open the gantry for you. For LRT, use the intercom to contact the staff, who will then open the gantry for you.

*Hello Uber & Grab* *And hello ComfortDelGro*

Are NSFs or People Who have Completed their NS Cycle (i.e. RODed) Eligible?

Yes, as long as you’ve once served the country, be it five days ago or fifty years ago. This is why they allow people to put on their Temasek Green uniform…if they still fit, that is.

Any Limits?

There isn’t any. So if you intend to run many errands, you can really save some money on transportation on this day.

1 July 2017 is SAF Day

Not sure if there’s any coincidence, but just so you know, 1 July 2017 is SAF Day. There might be promotions in various shops if you wear your army uniform (at least that was what happened in the last few years), but of course that’s a day after the free travel day.

Many People Still Won’t Get This Benefit

Okay, this isn’t a fact based on what is provided but a fact based on personal experience. Anyone who has been to any ICT can vouch that the first thing people buy on the first day of ICT is to buy garters…then a new set of uniform, because most of us have put on weight.

So, tell me, even if you’re so proud of being an NSman, and want to enjoy the free rides…how many of you can still fit into your uniform? No?

Well, just a suggestion: you don’t need to button all the buttons and it’ll still fit #justsaying

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

Featured Image: wikimedia.org

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