10 life saving tips you need to know when it comes to exam time, or you’ll burn out

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:36 pm

Let’s be real, exams are something that none of us can run from. Chances are, if you’re a student or already an adult, you have horrific memories of exam time and know how stressful it can be.

Late nights spent studying, blur mornings with horrible eye bags and falling asleep in class, all these are something that most people can identify with. However, if you’re still facing the dreaded exams, here are 10 tips that will make exam time a little less painful for you.

Get ample sleep
Yes, this sounds too obvious and easier said than done, but getting enough sleep during exam season will help you retain information better and be more alert during the exam itself.

What’s the point of staying up late to study and then falling asleep in the crucial lessons right before exam season, or worse, during the actual exam itself? Be sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep before a paper so that you won’t feel so groggy during it and can remember info better.

Eat healthy
Eating fatty, oily foods will make you feel lethargic and might even cause digestive problems which could affect your studying, or even worse, make you fall ill. Stick to healthy portions of fruits and vegetables to ensure that you’re at your peak health during exam time!

Restrict use of social media
This is pretty self-explanatory, as social media distracts you a lot, thus causing you to have less time to study and be less focused. If you put your phone in another room or use site-blocking apps, you can revise more efficiently and won’t have to end up cramming at the last minute.

Don’t cram
Cramming has been proven to cause anxiety and ultimately, you won’t be able to remember what you intended to memorize anyway. Giving yourself a fair amount of time to revise (a.k.a not the night before) will help you perform better overall.

Take a non-electronic break
Studying for hours straight might only make you even more stressed, so be sure to take breaks that don’t involve using your electronic gadgets (in case you don’t have the discipline to stop), for example go for a walk or do some light exercise to improve your mood.

Follow a schedule
You don’t have to stick strictly and exclusively to it, which could cause even more stress, but it would be good to draw up a general outline of what subjects to study in approximately what period of time. This way, you won’t be so lost and continuously avoid studying a certain topic or subject.

Organize notes
If your notes are fairly organized, revision becomes much easier since you don’t have to keep searching for a particular piece of information, thus making you less stressed!

Seek help from friends
It’s always good to speak about your worries and not bottle it all up, lest it explodes during exam season and results in lots of bad consequences. Take time to have a de-stressing chat with your friend and talk about your anxiety/worries, I promise you’ll feel much better!

Ask teachers about doubts
Your teacher is pretty much the person that knows best, so if you have queries regarding the exam subject, please approach them because they’ll most likely to be more than happy to help! With a teacher’s guidance, you probably won’t feel so stressed and will be able to understand concepts better.

Love yourself
Finally, it’s easy to assign values to ourselves based on results, but don’t forget that results aren’t everything. What matters is you’ve tried your best, and don’t stress yourself out too much that you forget to take care of yourself!

Top Image: Creativa Images / Shutterstock.com