10 Woodlands Food Places That Are Worth the Calories; By a Woodlander (Updated for 2018)

Last Updated on 2020-02-19 , 9:05 am

When people talk about Woodlands, it’s probably never about the amazing food places to check out because nothing beats Woodlands food.

Because let’s be honest, if there is one thing Woodlands is known for, it’s not for the food but the causeway.

But its also quite likely that if you live there, you have that one food store you think is the ultimate bomb and you have probably also gotten into a fight with your Bedok friends or colleagues about how good the *insert food here* is at *insert stall here*.

Anyway, let’s also be real lah, if you are going to school there, live there or you’re passing through to go to JB, you are almost always going to go and eat something at Causeway Point.

I’m not going to pretend that you should travel all the way from Bedok to Woodlands just to eat any of the food on this list.

To be honest, I’m also not saying people who live in Yishun should come all the way down just for this.

But if you find yourself in Woodlands and so darn sick of going to Causeway Point for the same thing every single time, then you need to read this.

Here are the best Woodlands food places.

1. Al Malik Eating House

If you are Singaporean and likes going for supper, you will know that one of the most reliable places to go to will be the 24-hour Halal coffeeshops found on the island.

Usually, there is one close to every neighbourhood.

For Woodlands food places, Al Malik will be the one.

Woodlands food halal
Image: Facebook

Open 24 hours, clean and well-lit, they serve Indian-Muslim, Muslim-Thai, and Muslim-Western food as well as a whole range of colourful drinks!

Image: dailytelegraph.com.au

Also, the food is cheap, tasty, and extremely satisfying – it doesn’t really matter what time you visit Al Malik, you will leave with a full, satisfied tummy.

Image: golocal.de

Address: 30 Woodlands Ave 1, Singapore 739065

2. Blk 136 Seafood Tze Char Stall

Who says you have to go all the way to areas like Punggol for amazing seafood?

Just kidding, haha, you still have to!

Image result for just joking meme

But did you know Woodlands has a good seafood stall?

This store is often really crowded in the night time, and most people usually get the chilli crab, fried rice, sambal stingray and black pepper chicken.

The hotplate beancurd and chinese-style steamed fish are also fan favourites.

So if you are looking for somewhere to eat with your colleagues or family (without breaking your budget, I might add), go down to 136 Seafood!

Not too shabby for a Woodlands food place.

Address: Block 136, Marsiling Road, Singapore 730136 (Open everyday from 12 PM – 10 PM)

3. Blk 131 Chicken Rice Stall

To be honest, if there was any one item on this list I would force east-siders to travel all the way down to try, it would be this.

This is THAT store for me. The holy grail. I would even go so far to say it is the BEST chicken rice I have personally had in Singapore so far.

And let me get this straight – I LOVE chicken rice. Now I know this is a pretty risky thing to say because everyone has their own personal favourite chicken rice.

If you travel all the way here and you think you don’t like it, please don’t come and hunt me down.

Because like I’ve said –

TO ME, this is my holy grail, best chicken rice ever kind of deal.

And you need to try it (at least once).

Image result for roast chicken rice

The portion size is normal for chicken rice. They can be a bit stingy with their chicken, so I usually order the roast chicken (breast portion) with extra chicken for $4.80. It fills me up and leaves me very happy, so you know.

Winning all around.

The rice is extremely flavourful and NOT dry at all. It’s also not those, wet mushy type of rice; it’s moist and very tasty on its own. But hey, the star of the dish is obviously the chicken.

I mean, the chicken is very well roasted, and packs a punch in terms of taste.

It’s salty and savoury and a just a huge bunch of YUM all over. The chilli that accompanies it is a good amount of spice to break up all the gingery, garlicky and fatty goodness that is chicken rice.

Please GO and try it.

Address: Block 131, Marsiling Rise, Singapore 730131 (Open daily from 10 AM -10 PM, while stocks last)

4. Western @ Yummy Food Link

This one is pretty easy to get to considering it’s just a short walk away from Causeway Point! The Western food is very filling, with generous portions (we ordered the Chicken Chop Aglio Olio and a side of Cheese Fries) and it is a good value for money.

So get this if you’re feeling really hungry!

Image result for hungry meme

Keep in mind that the aglio olio does come in a huge portion so the chicken-to-pasta ratio is a little off, and the pasta can also be a bit over-seasoned!

But when it comes down to it, the food is satisfying, delicious, “no fuss, no surprises”, and won’t let you down – everything you want when you’re hungry!

Address: Block 111, Woodlands Street 13, Singapore 730111 – Open 10 AM – 9 PM daily

5. Ban Mian From Causeway Point Bagus Food Court

Okay, okay, before you hunt me down and throw something at me, I know we were trying to stay away from Causeway Point.

Image result for i will hunt you down meme

But I can’t help it. Every Woodlands food list is really incomplete without adding a store from Causeway Point.

Anyone who knows me will know that one of my ride-or-die foods would be the humble Ban Mian. I love it.

I really really do.

So believe me when I say, one of the best ban mian I have had is at the halal food court in Causeway Point.

Image: shoppingmalls.com.sg

But please don’t go around ordering just the regular ban mian.

If you do and it is sub par, don’t blame me because I have not yet tried the regular one.

Everyone goes there for the Tom Yum Ban Mian.

Woodlands food ban mian
Image: Muriel / Burpple

It’s just  so mouthwateringly delicious.

If you don’t know what to eat or have no particular cravings, please go get this Tom Yum Ban Mian.

It is spicy, sour and salty: the best of all combinations in my opinion. Oh yes, it also smells so damn good.

The portion is quite filling too, and oh-so hearty! I promise this will satisfy any hungry bellies out there who have a penchant for anything spicy!

If you are a ban mian lover like me, you will be extremely happy with this.

Address: Causeway Point, 1 Woodlands Square, Singapore 738099. Level 7. Open from 8 AM – 11 PM daily

6. Wanton Mee @ Marsiling Lane Food Centre (Best Woodlands Food)

This one tops the Woodlands food list for me.

For all of you who love Wanton Mee, here you go! Make your way down to the Marsiling Lane Food Centre which is right next to the wet market.

I have been coming here for many, many years, and I still have not yet gotten sick of the wanton mee or think that their standards have dropped.

They still serve the same, delicious wanton mee (just on a different coloured plate to when I started going there like…10 years or so ago).

I mean look at it! It isn’t that pretty to look at but look! The amazing savoury and a little sweet black sauce being soaked up by this springy al-dente yellow egg noodles!

Woodlands food wanton mee
Image: Urica Cheng / Burpple

I love that they don’t overcook their noodles. It has the right amount of chewy to it.

The Char Siew is smoky and delicious – no complaints there, and the soup that accompanies it is salty and flavourful, with yummy little dumplings in there!

People who know about this place usually have eaten here for many, many years, so you know it won’t disappoint!

Address: 20 Marsiling Ln, Singapore 730020. Open from 8 AM – 3 PM daily

7. Hua Li Fried Carrot Cake @ Marsiling Mall

I cannot gush about this carrot cake enough!

It is so delicious, and I am so hungry just writing this!

If you love carrot cake, you know that it should be cooked with the right amount of spice, black sauce and ‘wok hei’, such that it is not too bland, too dry, or too sweet.

And so here you go, look at this beauty of a carrot cake.

Woodlands food carrot cake
Image: misstamchiak.com

It is not dry, super flavourful, and extremely satisfying.

You won’t have to experience the ‘hmm, I am craving carrot cake so let me go have some. Then wow…that was so unimpressive and disappointing, I should have eaten something else’ feeling.


This is the carrot cake that will NOT disappoint you and leave you pretty impressed.

It is also another item on this list that patrons have frequented loyally for years and years.

(This is high up on my Woodlands food list as well.)

Address: 4 Woodlands Street 12. Open from 7 AM – 10 PM daily

8. Sedap Dan Sihat @ Vista Point

Everyone that follows a halal diet, listen up! This is seriously pretty cool. Sedap Dan Sihat is a Halal Steam Pot Delicacy that has opened up at Vistapoint!

Now, what on earth is steam pot, you ask?

Image result for you make no sense meme

Well, basically its this awesome way of cooking where you steam cook your main dishes on a steam grill sort of contraption! Let me show you a picture:

Image: thehalalfoodblog.com

So it’s a pretty healthy way of cooking all your delicious dishes! They have everything, from stuffed mushrooms, to chicken luncheon meat, to a wide variety of seafood.

Image: thehalalfoodblog.com

Now this is the place to go with your family or a group of friends if you want to stuff your face and not worry too much about the calories!

For those of you who are like yeah, I don’t know about this one, it sounds pretty bland…

Well, this place has got you covered with an entire sauces bar, holding a huge variety of sauces that you can cook your food with, or dip your food in!

Image: thehalalfoodblog.com

It’s guaranteed to be tasty and quite a unique cooking experience, so try it out!

Address: #01-20 Vista Point, 548 Woodlands Drive 44, Singapore 730548. Open from 10 AM – 11 PM daily

9. Mr Teh Tarik Cartel @ Woodlands Town Garden

If you have been in Singapore for many years, you probably know of Mr Teh Tarik. It’s one of those favourite supper places where you go chill in the wee hours of morning, just chatting with friends.

So it’s pretty awesome that they have just opened a new outlet at the recently revamped Woodlands Town Garden!

I mean, look at these drinks they have.

Image: tummybliss.blogspot.com

It’s big, it’s sweet, and it’s very filling and just what you need at 3 in the morning – I mean if you are not sleeping then might as well right?

So if you live in Woodlands and you want a bit of variety from the standard supper places, this is a bit of a PSA to tell you that Mr Teh Tarik Cartel has opened so you have one more place to hang out with your friends or family!

Address: Woodlands Centre Road, 738930. Open 24 hours daily


No Woodlands food list is complete without this biriyani.

Now this is a pretty unique take on the classic briyani, so if you are looking to try something new whether you live in Woodlands or not, here you go!


Yeah, you heard me right. Pork Briyani!

Woodlands food indian
Image: thedeadcockroach.blogspot.com

This took everyone by surprise, because briyani is usually one of those foods that are synonymous with being halal. And here you have the pork briyani breaking barriers!

(Just an interesting fact, pork briyani in India is not as uncommon as it is in Singapore!)

Moving along, now how does this taste?

Well, it tastes like Briyani! (Hahaha, I am hilarious.)

The rice has a milder flavour to it compared to other briyanis, which is perfectly fine because the curry is strong – so eat the rice and curry together.

The meat from the pork lends a nice fatty addition to the briyani to make it taste even more satisfying.

You are going to have to use your hands to get the meat off the bone, because it is really hard to get all the meat using utensils, so come prepared to use your hands!

The curry is delicious, with a good amount of spice, and the dish comes papadums, pickled vegetables and a hard-boiled egg.

The food is good, the portions are huge, and the experience is unique, so what are you waiting for? So come down and check it out.

Address: 71 Woodlands Industrial Park E9, 757048. Level 7. Open from 7 AM – 10:30 PM daily

So, here you go! 10 best Woodlands food places that you probably didn’t know about, so go check them out (because honestly Causeway Point is getting too crowded these days).

Hurray for Woodlands food!