8 painful memories of the school barber that still haunt us today


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

Secondary schools hates boys. We are sure of that. Firstly, boys have unreasonable standing broad jump requirements, then they are the ones that are allowed to be caned, then we have teachers who are especially harsh when it come to boys, and most importantly, THEY CUT OUR HAIR.

What’s the problem with them?

The devils arrival
The silhouette of the school barber is an image that is deeply branded to the back of our minds, and we will never ever forget it. Every time he appears, we brace ourselves for unsightly hair around the school, and of course, we pray for the ill fated souls.

Getting called
This is the time when even the most hardened hooligan will empty a whole can of gel and comb his hair so neat and tidy he can pass as a lawyer. However, we all know combing the hair last minute will do nothing to the names on that cursed piece of paper in the discipline master’s hand. Yet we still cling on to that distant glimmer of hope that maybe the DM will change his mind.

The sigh of relief
When your name isn’t called, duh. But we need to try our best to look as solemn as possible because there are buddies who didn’t have the kind of luck we had.

The cry of disbelief
No matter how outrageous our hair really are, to us, it’ll always be “just over the line” and the DM’s decision is “too harsh”.

Desperate negotiations
Negotiations with the barber never ever ends well. We will end up with a hairstyle that, well, was at least very popular once. When our grandfathers were still in the schools’ basketball team.

Trimming ourselves
The boys will definitely try whatever they can to remedy their hair. They’d rather kill themselves than letting their crush see them in that state. Unfortunately, any attempt to trim their own hair usually results in even worse hair. And even more heartache.

Horrifying aftermath
No matter how cheerful the atmosphere was, when a group of boys enter a toilet to find fresh hair on the floor, nobody will be in the mood to laugh anymore. It is a scene of extreme heartache, and a feeling of desperation and crushed hopes fill the entire toilet. And you can bet that the pee session was an uncomfortable one.

The sorrow
Even the sun seems to darken after every visit of the school barber. When every attempt to improve their hair have been made and the boys have accepted the fact that there is no way to fix their hair, the school goes on as per normal, yet the smiles were gone from those faces. My heart bleeds for them.