10 Things That Are Usually Complimentary in a Hotel Stay That Aren’t in the Room

Last Updated on 2023-04-26 , 11:50 am

Hotels nowadays offer more than just free Wi-Fi, daily housekeeping, and basic toiletries.

In the 21st century, hotels worldwide strive to provide their guests with the best possible experience, offering a range of products and 5-star services that guests can borrow or keep.

You can request ten additional items from the friendly reception staff at no extra cost. And for us Singaporeans, who can resist the allure of freebies?

It’s worth noting that not all hotels provide these items, so it’s always best to ask. After all, there’s no harm in asking!

Pet Treats

image: darford.com

You may not know this, but some pet-friendly hotels actually have pet items ready for customers that are travelling with pets.

To aim for that full experience, the staff are able to provide you with pet beds, pet bowls with free pet treats and toys ready when you request.

Razors & Shaving Cream

image: cremocompany.com

Forgot to bring your razors and have a business meeting the next day?

Do not panic, you can simply ask the staff for a set of shaving essentials and they’ll be more than happy to provide you with a kit that comes with a razor and shaving cream which you can, obviously, keep.

I mean, if you need to return them, you shouldn’t even be using them in the first place!

Toothbrush & Toothpaste

image: wikipedia.com

We all probably know this one, but don’t continue to brush if the bristles are too hard for your teeth and gums!

If you dislike how hard the bristles are on the given toothbrush, the staff will be able to assist you in giving a softer bristle toothbrush – just ask!

Newspapers & Magazines

image: pedia.com

Customers who have a habit of starting their day by reading the paper are able to start their morning right by having newspapers or magazines sent to their room at their request.

But of course, it’s the local paper lah – don’t expect The Straits Times to be sent to you when you’re in Hong Kong!

Curling & Straightener Tools

image: makeup.com

Ladies, if you forget to bring your hair tools, do not worry! Some hotels lend you their curling irons or straightening tools so you’ll get to head out with beautiful hair. And of course, you’ll have to return them.

Sewing kit

image: therefabdiaries.com

Did a button pop out from the amount of food that you indulge in last night? Or need an immediate fix to the top before you rush out for a business meeting?

Sewing kits are available at hotels with different colours of thread, buttons and needles ready for you. They definitely got you covered during your emergency!

Then again, don’t expect a sewing machine, please.

Shoeshine kit

image: cnbc.com

Shoeshine kits are available upon request if your shoes require some touch-ups before you head out for a special event or business meeting.

Shine away with the provided brushes, shoe polish and other essential items.


image: thewashingtonpost.com

Feeling like toothpaste isn’t enough to keep your mouth smelling minty? Ask for a bottle of mouthwash from the hotel staff and they’ll be happy to oblige.

Headphones/ Earpieces

image: phiaton.com

Require an earpiece because you don’t want to blast your music or prefer to video-chat with your loved ones more privately?

Ask for a set of earpiece or headphones to be sent to your room. Gotta love the staff for their service.

Makeup Remover Wipes

image: healthline.com

Forgot to bring your makeup remover wipes? Don’t cry about it and ruin your mascara. Some hotels provide you with travel-sized makeup removers. Simply ask them!

Featured Image: Christian Heinz / Shutterstock.com