107YO Great-Great-Grandma in S’pore Has Passed Away, Leaving Behind 32 Grandchildren & 31 Great-Grandchildren

The centenarian had 11 children, 32 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren.

Image: Shin Min Daily News

Immigrated from China

The 107-year-old Su Zhangyu passed away on 23 July.

Her eldest son, 81-year-old Zhuo Jinding, shared more about his mother’s life with Shin Min Daily News. Mdm Su was from Fujian, China, and immigrated to Southeast Asia with her adoptive parents when she was young.

She used to live in a kampung in Jalan Kong Kuan with her husband and her 11 children. The family made a living by rearing pigs, and running a bakery from the 1960s to 1990s. Unfortunately, her husband passed away in 2000, at the age of 93.

The kampung she used to live in is now an HDB area in Bukit Panjang.

Loved Durians, Wine, and Physical Exercise

One of Mdm Su’s favourite foods was durians, which she would eat with rice. Her family would thus buy durians for her whenever they were in season.

However, despite her love for the strong-smelling fruit, Mdm Su usually ate light meals.

Mdm Su also drank a small glass of wine every day, and her family members would always buy a bottle for her every time they went overseas. This habit apparently originated from her childhood, when her grandfather let her drink a bit of wine to strengthen her weak body.

The centenarian also kept as active as possible, and went for walks with their helper every day pre-pandemic. When she was forced to stay home during the pandemic, her physical health deteriorated and she had to switch to using a wheelchair.

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Special Burial Instructions

Mdm Su lived with her second eldest son before her passing.

She had left special instructions for her family, asking them to bury her with a pair of green earrings. However, the significance behind that piece of jewellery is unknown.

May Mdm Su rest in peace.

Image: Shin Min Daily News

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News