73YO Arrested for Allegedly Causing HDB Fire at Telok Blangah

Two fires occurred less than two hours after each other. Firefighters must have breathed a sigh of relief when 2am, then 4am passed without another fire.

4:40am, creeping out of the shadows: Hello, it’s me. 

Yes, there was another fire at 4:40am, this time at Telok Blangah. A 73-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly committing arson and causing the fire.

2 Hospitalised, 280 People Evacuated

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was alerted to a fire at Block 39 Telok Blangah Rise, at 4:40am on 29 January.

The officers found a 10th-floor unit being swallowed by flames, and the fire had since spread to the contents of the entire unit. The fire was eventually extinguished with two water jets.

While the firefighting was ongoing, SCDF officers evacuated the neighbours of the unit as a precautionary measure. They had to force their way into the unit directly above the burning one and found an unconscious woman on the floor.

Officers immediately brought her to the lift lobby where officers and paramedics conducted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The woman, along with another (thankfully conscious) neighbour, was sent to Singapore General Hospital for smoke inhalation.

A total of 280 residents were evacuated.

73YO Owner Arrested on Suspicions of Arson

It was reported that the police arrested the owner of the unit where the fire started. They arrested the elderly man based on suspicions of mischief by fire.

This basically means they think he started the fire as a prank. Maybe somebody should have introduced the man to Netflix so he has something else to do at 4am?

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It has also been reported that the 11th to 16th floors’ units have been affected. The outer walls have been blackened and windows were broken. Thankfully, apart from the two neighbours hospitalised, nobody else was injured.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, so don’t go spreading fake news about arson till the police confirm it.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Singapore Civil Defence Force)