People Are Triggered That BMT Recruits Nowadays Have Mats for Physical Training

When it comes to the topic of NS, all Singaporean men will rise up and fight to defend (or taint) its honour.

When recent pictures revealed that recruits are given mats for physical training, the male population of Singapore used their NS training to fall in… and be triggered together in the comments.

Foam Mats for Training To Protect Palms

On 25 January, the Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) posted a series of pictures on their Facebook.

It looks like the recruits are doing exercises, no surprise there. But the surprising thing was that the recruits were given foam mats.

The recruits can be seen placing their hands on mats while doing push-ups and mountain climbers. This is a pretty new development since recruits in the past had to place their hands on the super hot and rough concrete floor.

Of course, Singaporean men had lots to say about this.

Wah, I Remember Last Time Ah…

If you took a sip of water for every comment reminiscing about their past NS experience, you’ll probably get water poisoning.

Singaporean men who have completed NS all flocked to the comments to be triggered about how these recruits get mats for their hands.

They reminisced about how they used to have to do push-ups on the blazing hot road, how they had to army crawl on the brick floor and got abrasions everywhere, how they were like roasted pigs on the parade square… Why now so shiok, got floor mats?

Others labelled the new recruits a “bunch of strawberries”, and some poked fun by saying maybe there’ll be aircon at the parade square in the future. Or maybe the floor mats will be upgraded to full-length mattresses?

But before you go “not all men are like this”, there are, of course, some who are happy about the foam mats.

Some netizens shared that they used to have friction or pressure injuries and couldn’t continue training as a result. The implementation of these mats can now prevent these unnecessary injuries, and they can fully experience the exercise regimes now.

Furthermore, some comments called out the guys for wanting their sons to suffer just because they suffered. Shouldn’t we be trying to improve the lives of our future generations? Not as if they no longer doing physical training right?

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Metabolic Circuit Lessons After PX Replaces 5BX

BMTC shared that the recruits were doing Metabolic Circuit lessons, which are meant to build up muscular endurance, fitness, and mental resilience.

This training is supposed to be pretty tough, so they’re not treating the recruits like the strawberries the commenters think they are. These lessons are in preparation for the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).

These new kinds of exercise regimes come after the Army replaced the five basic exercises, or 5BX, with prehabilitation exercises (PX).

PX is proven to help with flexibility and mobility. It strengthens their core, and helps reduce physical injuries from strenuous activities.

So just because the regime is different now doesn’t mean this generation is not suffering, OK?

In fact, now they cannot use the common strenuous exercise-induced physical injuries to keng MC, so rest assured that they’re getting the full NS experience.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Basic Military Training Centre)