75-Year-Old Elderly Woman Cheated Her Close Friend Of Life Savings

Some stories you read online will really make your heart break. And sadly, this is one such story.

A few days back (11 Oct), a 75-year old lady was sent to jail for 4 years and 9 months.

Why? She cheated someone out of their savings. The amount? S$646,900.

The person? Her actual close friend.

Talk about burning your friendship bridge. This lady probably took the biggest bomb she could find and ruined everything between her and her buddy.

Here’s the story.

What Happened Between the Two of Them

Madam Leow Boon Tee met Lim Siew Har through Madam Leow’s brother. He was her partner whom she had lived with together for almost 40 years.

As old ladies would do, they became close over cooking, and in this case, it was Nyonya dishes. According to Lim, her friendship with Madam Leow was very closely knit.

Lim did have some financial issues about her. She is an undischarged bankrupt. In the deputy public prosecutor Stacey Anne Fernandez speech, Fernandez mentioned that Lim’s bankruptcy was caused by none other than sheer greed.

Lim had also tricked her unassuming friend, Madam Leow, into giving her a staggered sum of cash as well as cheques over a 10-month period back in 2011.

According to Ms Fernandez, the money was supposed to be used for license transfer and legal fees to “operate” not one, but six Singapore Pool outlets. The said outlets were named as the ones in Chai Chee, Orchard, Marina Bay Sands, Toa Payoh, Clementi and Bedok.

This isn’t the old woman’s first bout in cheating, either.

Her criminal records date back to 1981 (were you already born then???), which was the first time she was ever convicted of cheating. She was jailed twice too, in 1983 as well as 2003 for crimes which included forgery, criminal breach of trust, cheating as well as offences related to bankruptcy.

Madam Leow was sad and distraught at the thought of not getting her funds back, as Lim had used them to pay her debts and gamble too.

So, Lim didn’t use the money to set up a “legal gambling outlet” – but to gamble instead. Talk about irony.

The Judgement Call

Ms Fernandez asked for a 60-month sentence, as she said that Lim didn’t show any remorse over abusing her friendship with Madam Leow and wiping out her retirement money too.

The district judge to the case, Judge Lorraine Ho called the case a cautionary story. She said that no one should ever throw caution away and let their guard down in exchange for a windfall.

With a heavy heart, she sentenced a 75-year old to prison. Judge Lorraine Ho added that this was brought on to Lim on her own, and that she should have been spending her twilight years with her loved ones.

For the case of cheating, Lim could have otherwise been jailed for a decade for every charge (there’s 12 in total) and fined too.

Lim is on bail at the moment at a sum of S$75,000, while she awaits the appeal hearing.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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