8 Beautiful Places in Batam You Can Visit Instead of Blindly Following Day Tours

Last Updated on 2022-10-19 , 11:51 am

There is almost no question as to why Batam, Indonesia is such a popular destination for Singaporeans – the island is easily reachable by a 45mins ferry ride away; it’s affordable, has amazing food (Indonesian food, hello) and basically provides a pretty exciting weekend getaway.

The next time when you go to Batam – don’t opt for the mainstream day tours. Instead, take matters into your own hands and plan your own itinerary! And we’re here to help by making your planning job easier. Batam has plenty of beautiful sights and beaches to see, as you will see in the rest of this article.

1. Barelang Bridge

Image: indonesia.travel

The Barelang Bridge (Jembatan Barelang) is a chain of 6 bridges of varying types that connect the islands of Batam, Rempang, and Galang, giving rise to its name.
This may be a pretty mainstream site but it’s a must-see that certain tours won’t even bring you.

Plus, there are even designated photographers in the area who will help you snap and print the photos at a reasonable price!

2. Abang Island

Image: tripadvisor.com

While it’s true that there are many other places to snorkel in Indonesia, Abang Island is the closest authentic snorkeling spot to Singapore.

One thing you’re going to love about Abang Island is getting to stay with the real locals by the seashore. Sounds like your kind of holiday

3. Putri Island

Image: kelilingnusantara.com

Putri Island is a beautiful, calm little island for the ones who need a getaway from city life, even just for a couple of hours.

4. Belakang Padang Island

Image: funtasyisland.com

Belakang Padang is a district in Batam and offers a wonderful view, especially during sunset. This district’s main public transportation is interestingly a three-wheeled vehicle called Pedicab or Becak (manually driven in by a rickshaw driver). As most parts of this district are wetlands, transportation like small boats powered by engines is commonly used to bring the people from there to the surrounding small islands and also to Batam.

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5. Sukajadi Golf Course

Image: ptbck.com

One of the best-maintained and most beautiful golf courses in Batam is the Sukajadi Golf course. If you’re into golf – this is definitely a place you should stop by for half a day to participate in the classy sport.

6. Viovio Beach

Image: vioviobeach.com

Viovio beach is one of the newly opened beaches in Batam so a perfect consideration if you’re looking for a well-maintained and clean beach to stay on. It has splendid view of nature and a stunning seascape that will take your breath away.

7. Melayu Beach

Image: dwiyulianto / freepik.com

Located in Nongsa, Melayu beach is another peaceful and picturesque place to visit, especially for nature or beach lovers. Melayu Beach is covered by shady trees and neat huts for relaxation. Thus, tourists can simply sit under these facilities and watch the stunning sea scenery ahead.

8. Jabal Arafah Mosque

Image: indonesia.allabout.city

Some say that this mosque offers the best view of Batam from the top floor. Different from what most mosques may normally look like – this is one uber-modern, fancy building that people can go to pray, or simply go for the beautiful bird’s eye view of the city.

There are many more options for beautiful sights in Batam than what regular tour agencies offer. Instead of being lazy and signing up for those, why not pick out your favorites from our list and make the most of the time there? You can thank us later.