8 Food Delivery Tips That Save Money & Also Prevent Hangry People From Hulkifying

Gone are the days where deliveries are just for Pizzas and smiley old man chickens.

Today we’ve got options from the atas restaurants to the late night beancurd supper spot right at our fingertips.

Image: onsizzle.com

But what’s the point of downloading so many food apps, but not knowing how to make your money worth it? Well, we got you covered, buddy!

Starting off the list is something every beginner MUST DO when they embark on their convenient (read: lazy) journey to food deliveries.

1. Always Go For Promo Codes

There is always a first-time user promo code for different delivery service. And these could save you a couple of bucks.

Like Uber Eats’ $10 OFF first order (hey Uber Eats, RIP), FoodPanda’s 25% OFF, etc.

Well, if you’ve missed out on this hack, just use an alternative email and start over again. (Don’t say we teach one hor!)

First-time user promo codes usually range from $3 to $10 depending on how lucky you are.

There are also services that have referral programs that allow your friends to share their promo codes and both of y’all win some discounts.

Image: giphy.com

2. Delivery fees

Speaking of how food is better shared together, cost of deliveries are also better shared together (well, unless you are rich, then feel free to take one for the team).

Just make a huge order together instead of ordering separately. Of course lah, that means all of you have to order from the same vendor.

You win some, you lose some, right?

Deliveries fees range from $3 to $4, depending on the services and area you are in.

At the time of writing, Foodpanda is offering FREE DELIVERY to selected restaurants, so you know where to go.

Image: giphy.com

3. For McDonald’s, Just Go For Their Delivery Service

For McDonald’s, you have two choices. Either from McDonald’s official delivery or from FoodPanda / Uber Eats (Uber Eats will no longer be available soon).

So which do you choose? Easy. Just choose the cheaper one.


Image: macdonalds.com.sg

McDonald’s delivery has cheaper charges and, hey, they operate 24 HOURS (pandas need to sleep too). So you’ve got nothing to lose, man.

Image: tenor.com

P.s rumour has it that if you order some ice cream, you will get your deliveries faster.

4. Late Night Delivery Service

Most food deliveries services have fixed operating hours, and most of them end their services at 11 pm.

What about supper?

Don’t worry, there are supper deliveries services such as Porterfetch which operates from 9 pm to 3 am.

Image: porterfetch.com

They have a range of offerings from Nasi Padang to light food to curb your hunger.

And the best news, Porterfresh charge no minimum amount and it delivers islandwide!

Image: porterfetch.com

However, delivery charges are based on your ordering location.

So, if you are staying in the east, and craving for something from the west, be prepared to pay more compared to your friend who is staying in the east.

Now, isn’t technology amazing?

Image: giphy.com

5. Check If The Store Does Food Delivery On Their Own

As I was doing my research, I found out that my favourite beancurd store offers their own delivery.

And it turns out that many food businesses didn’t really get onto the mainstream food delivery services like Foodpanda or Deliveroo.

Instead, they’re delivering on their own.

So if you have a craving for any particular store, remember to check if they have their own delivery first before turning to Foodpanda.

It’s highly likely to be cheaper.

6. Food Delivery Services For Corporate Lunch

Bored of the same few food caterers like Elsie’s Kitchen (they have awesome food though) or Four Seasons?

So you have been just tasked to cater lunch for everyone and your colleagues are secretly begging you to not order buffets.

Because the past 10 (boring) people tasked for the parties, ordered similar buffets for the team.

Go ahead and check out sites like Whattoeat who specialises in corporate food ordering

Image: whattoeat.com

They even have services that do alcohol orders. Get ready to be on the A-list!

Image: giphy.com

7. Full-time lazy person

(I wish I was getting paid for being a full-time lazy person)

Ok, the lunch crowd is H O R R I B L E.

And most of the time, you have no idea what you want to eat.

Don’t worry, there are food deliveries subscription services who will make your lunchbox daily for you.

Image: Halo Fanon – Fandom

Businesses like Grains “vows to never make your lunch boring” at pretty decent prices for a changing menu.

For the healthy gurus, you may start making friends with food deliveries like “Fitnessration” who’s out to befriend you on your fitness journey.

8. Pre-order your meals

Worried that you can’t order your favourite food because the demand for the food service suddenly spiked? Here’s one thing you can do.

Pre-order your meals.

Some establishments accept orders before their operating hours, so all you need to do book early, sit back and relax.

Image: Foodpanda

So here you go, 8 food delivery hacks to save some money, order late night supper and make your life better.

If not, just walk down to buy your food. We burn calories to eat more, right?

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: Daxiao Productions / Shutterstock.com