S’pore Experienced Aircon Temp Last Night, More To Come: 10 Topics S’poreans Are Talking About (28 Mar)

If you were out and about last night, you’ll feel like you’re walking in an aircon room. Guess what, there might be more of such nights.

Here are 10 topics that Singaporeans are talking about today.

You’re welcome! 😉

S’pore Experienced Aircon Last Night, More to Come According to MSS

If you were out and about last night, you’ll feel like you’re walking in an air-con room even though you’re outdoors.

Image: Meteorological Service Singapore via channelnewsasia.com

Most parts of Singapore experienced temperatures between 23 to 25 degrees Celsius, with the southeastern part of Singapore staying within the low range of 25 degrees Celsius.

Here’s a fun fact: it’s not Singapore’s coldest this year. The temperature dipped to 21.2 degrees Celsius on 14 Jan 2018 (remember our winter?).

For those who’ve missed it, don’t worry.

Because according to the Meterological Service of Singapore (MSS) four-day forecast, temperatures are expected to range between 23 degrees Celcius and 33 degrees Celsius.

Image: weather.gov.sg

But remember to bring an umbrella around with you because afternoon thundery showers are expected as well.

Those who have always wanted to dress like this:

Image: mymbuzz.com

Well, here’s your chance to do so now without looking like a fool. Maybe.

S’pore Revokes North Koreans’ Work Pass After Stopping All Trade With N.Korea

When you think about North Korea, the first few words in your mind is probably nuclear weapons, dictatorship, and Trump with his bigger, red button.

Image: me.me

What you definitely don’t think of is North Koreans leaving their country to work in another.

But they do, even here in Singapore.

Or to be more exact, they did.

The Singapore government announced that they’ve taken back all the work passes of North Koreans, and will not be issuing any new ones.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

This was done in line with measures set by the United Nations, who wanted to impose more sanctions against North Korea for their intercontinental ballistic missle test back in Nov 2017.

That missle landed near Japan.

Last year, Singapore also stopped all trade with N.Korea, and reached out to relevant businesses and partners to do so.

NEA Now Targetting Noisy Foreign Motorcycles That Emits Too Much Smoke

If you have a friend who rides in to Singapore for work from JB every morning, he needs to know this.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) is targetting smoky and noisy foreign motorcycles.

On 26 and 27 Mar, the NEA caught 197 motorists at the checkpoint for riding motorcycles that put out too much smoke and noise.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

They will also be tested for noise and if failed, the motorist will be asked to rectify the issue.

Their details will be sent to their country’s authorities for follow-up action.

Plastic Surgery For Fishes Is A Thing in S’pore

Image: gifsec.com

Nope, you didn’t read that headline wrongly.

It’s a thing in Singapore, and apparently, it’s pretty well established.

Singaporean Eugene Ng is known as one of the best cosmetic surgeons for the Asian arowana fish.

Image: straitstimes.com

He does eyelifts which cost US$90 and chin jobs, which cost US$60, for the fishes.

In Singapore, owning an arrowana is a sign of wealth and symbol, according to hobbyist Kenny Lim.

So the cost of cosmetic surgery for their pet fish is actually just pocket change for their owners.

Image: troll.me

Fun fact: A beautiful Asian arrowana can go for as high as tens of thousands of dollars.

Toddler Swallowed Diamond Ring And Rushed To Hospital

Remember Lego packs last time that says for kids 5 years and above?

Image: pinterest.com

That’s because the manufacturers are worried about choking hazards.

A mother learned about the danger of choking hazard the hard way when her two-year-old baby girl had to be rushed to the hospital.

Because she swallowed a diamond ring. The mother’s diamond ring, to be exact.

Image: straitstimes.com

On 27 Mar, it was reported that a mother in Guangdong, China took off her diamond ring and pass it to her 2-year-old baby girl to play with.

Then, she fell asleep for 10 minutes. She was woken up by her daughter’s cries and realised her daughter had swallowed her ring.

She sent her daughter to the local hospital where doctors retrieved a 2.35 cm by 2.05 cm ring after a one hour operation.

Moral of the story: pay special attention to small kids when they’re playing with small objects.

Because we all know how we are at that age. Everything goes into your mouth. Everything.

Image: paperspencils.com

24-Year-Old Arrested For Suspected Hit-And-Run Involvement in AMK Accident

This incident took place at Ang Mo Kio Ave St 44 towards Ave 10.

An Uber part-time driver, Mr James Ooi, was picking up a family when a lorry hit the right side mirror of his Toyota Altis.

The lorry was believed to be driving at high speed. James got off his car, prepared to deal with the driver.

But the lorry hit another car, causing it to crash into a tree and a “slow-down” sign.

Then he drove off.

James attended to the injured driver of the other car, who was taken to the hospital unconscious.

The police announced on 27 Mar that they’ve arrested a 24-year-old man, suspected to be the lorry driver.

Initial investigations reveal that he doesn’t have a driving license and might have driven the vehicle without the owner’s consent.

If found guilty, he might be fined up to $3,000, jailed up to a year or both for first-time offenders.

19YO Cyclist Hit By Car While Riding Bicycle

With shared-bicycles plying the streets, more and more Singaporeans are riding bicycles to get to places, which is good for health.

But it’s dangerous as well, especially if you cycle on the roads.

On 27 Mar, it was reported that a 19-year-old female cyclist was taken to the hospital.

She was hit by a car at the junction of Corporation Road and Fourth Chin Bee Road, towards Boon Lay Way, at around 6.30 am.

Image: straitstimes.com

The accident occurred at around 6.30am at the junction of Corporation Road and Fourth Chin Bee Road, towards Boon Lay Way.

The police are investigating the incident.

Man Caught on Camera Smoking in Non-Smoking Area, Points Middle Finger at Camera

You know the song: when I do something bad, I feel good? Yeah, that’s probably what this guy is listening to all the time.

Image: stomp.straitstimes.com

On 27 Mar, Stomper Andy shared his CCTV recording on citizen journalism website, STOMP.

It showed a man smoking in the corridor outside his home and pointing the middle finger at the camera.

Then, he blew smoke at the camera and gestured, “What can you do?”

You can watch the video for yourself below:

The STOMPER has already reported the incident to NEA and the Singapore Police Force.

Moral of the story: With the internet and social media, don’t anyhow in Singapore leh.

POKEMON GO: Players Can Now Catch Mew

Now that’s a name that’s been forgotten for quite some time.

I’m talking about both Mew and Pokemon GO. Guess what? They might become a thing again.


Software developer Niantic has started sending players research tasks (think: missions), which allow them to win in-game items after completing activities and challenges.

Some of the rewards include access to unique storylines, like the mystery behind the pokemon, Mew.

Image: sky.com

Called the Field Research and Special Research, it’ll be given by NPC Professor Willow, who will give you a series of tasks.

Complete them all and you’ll be given a chance to catch Mew.

Image: sky.com

Tell me, will this bring you back to playing Pokemon GO again?

M’sia Govt Says They’ll Take Legal Action If Grab Increase Prices

Singapore isn’t the only one worried about Grab monopolising the market and charging sky high prices.

Malaysia is feeling that worry too.

According to a report on Channel News Asia, the Malaysia Government might take legal actions against Grab if they raise their fares after the Uber-Grab merger.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

Grab has assured the public again and again that they will not increase their fares.

On a separate note, Indonesia’s ride-hailing service, Go-Jek, will be announcing their plans to expand in Southeast Asia in the next few weeks.

They will be expanding to three different Southeast Asia markets, according to Go-Jek Chief Executive Nadiem Makarim.

Here’s hoping one of their destinations is Singapore.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: Daniel Rigdon on Unsplash