8 Official Reasons To Leave The Country This CNY

Chinese New Year is around the corner. While we’re all looking forward to the long weekend, the CNY festivities and activities? Not so much.

Admit it, we’ve all thought of escaping the country during this period. Hell, if not for our mums (or dads), we’ll probably be gone before you can say Happy Chinese New Year!

Guess what? We’re going to list down 8 official reasons why you should leave the country, and who knows, you might just be able to convince your parents to let you go. Might.

1. It’s a Ghost Town

Image: weheartit.com

With our nightlife and 24-hour businesses scattered across the island, Singapore seemed to be a city that never sleeps. Until Chinese New Year, that is. It’s like the city has fallen into a coma after working for 354 days straight where only the cinemas are opened. What good is a long weekend if you spend the time bored out of your mind? Not cool. 

2. To Get Away From That Auntie and Her Annoying Questions

Image: mommyish.com

This is overused but at the same time, it’s too true not to be included. Singles who have yet to get married, young people who are not proud of what you’re working at, people who’ve done exceptionally bad at your school and those who have yet to find a job, you’ll know what I’m talking about. 

Everyone just has that one annoying auntie who can’t stop bragging about her son. Which wouldn’t be so bad if not for her tendency to put you down to make hers look better. 

3. To Get Away from Annoying Baby Cousins

Image: mommyish.com

Yes, I know we’re supposed to love kids ‘cuz they’re cute and innocent but really, some of us think they’re little monsters in disguise. They’re little angels in front of their parents (read: annoying aunties in #2) but the moment their backs are turned? Good luck to you.

The durian generation is a very real thing.

4. It’s a Long Weekend. ‘Nuff Said.

Image: pinterest.com

Why do we love long weekends so much? Because it’s an extra day of rest? Non, non, non.

The main reason why most of us love long weekends is because it allows us to travel overseas while using up less annual leave. Given how 2017 only has 7 long weekends, it’ll be a damn waste to let it go without using it fully, isn’t it?

How does a discounted trip to Cartoon Network Amazone sound to you?

Image: cartoonnetworkamazone.com

Cartoon Network Amazone One Day Admission: $51 instead of $64. Book here.

5. ‘Cuz You Want to Know How It Feels Like During CNY in Other Cultures

Image: theodysseyonline.com

You’ve spent twenty odd years in Singapore and you can practically predict what’s going to happen during CNY every year. It’s time to see how other countries celebrate Chinese New Year like Taiwan’s race for the first joss stick. 

Watch the CNY fireworks in Macau!

Image: makemytrip.com

Macau Tower: $16 instead of $25. Book here.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that you get to eat and shop to your heart’s content while you’re there. #JustSaying

6. Because That’s the Only Time You Can Leave the Country

Image: shebudgets.com

No matter when you leave the country, you’ll never be able to fully enjoy yourself because of your clients calling you, emailing you and whatnot. And you just cannot relax because, well, you’ve made the stupid decision of connecting your work email to your smartphone. 

Chinese New Year’s probably the only time of the year where you won’t get bombarded with work-related stuff because everyone’s celebrating it! And even those who don’t knows not to disturb you during your family reunion time. 

7. Because It’s Cheaper

Image: giphy.com

Think about it. No losing money at Blackjack or Big Two, no having to spend money on buying new clothes and there are loads of travel package promotions during the period because everyone’s staying in Singapore.

Image: klook.com

Hong Kong Disneyland: $92 instead of $100. Book here

You can check out some other awesome overseas attractions deals here. (P/S: There are Singapore ones too if you’re interested.)

And the best thing? You’ll have a stack of ang baos sitting on the table when you’re back. It might just be enough to cover your vacation expenses. 

8. Because It’s Not Too Late

Image: tumblr.com

Back in the day, before you can travel overseas, you’ll need to spend some time researching online for where to go, a map of the place you’re going to, and exchange for the currency. Preparation typically takes up a couple of weeks, if not months.

Today, it’s a whole new story. There are apps out there that allow you to plan your trip, even at the very last minute like Klook. Not only do you get to purchase overseas tickets in advance at a discounted price, you can book shuttle buses, get a tour; in fact, they even curate attractions for you based on the type of holiday you’re wishing for.

And best part? It’s hassle-free! Klook a ticket and get it on your phone immediately, and you don’t have to worry about losing any tickets because they’re e-tickets. 

So you can sneakily make your bookings, then tell your family, sorry, I got to go. Cannot cancel liao. Don’t say we teach one hor!

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Featured Image: maftravelgraphy.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com and written in collaboration with Klook.