88YO Man Finishes 10km Run in Less than 90 Minutes Under The Rain

Yep, you read that right. 88-year-old Malaysian Uncle Ong Kim Hwa ran 10km under the pouring rain, clocking a time of one hour and 25 minutes.

If this isn’t the epitome of steady lah, then what is?

Faster and Further Than Youngsters

Think about your last timing for a 2.4km run. Now think about your timing for a (hypothetical) 10km run.

If you’re a couch potato like me, you’re probably thinking, “How does anyone even successfully finish a 10km run, let alone under 90 minutes?”

On 26 September, the PJ Half Marathon in Kuala Lumpur shared some pictures by sports photography company ActionPix Malaysia. And one particular participant caught everyone’s eye: 88-year-old Seremban resident, Uncle Ong Kim Hwa.

In the picture, Uncle Ong can be seen wearing a pair of white running shorts, an event T-shirt, and a fanny pack. He’s pictured to be running while holding a white towel.

ActionPix Malaysia shared that Uncle Ong completed the 10km race at one hour and 25 minutes. This was under extreme rainy conditions too, where the rain continued pouring from the start to the end of the race.

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Facebook Users Full of Praise

The comments under this Facebook post was full of praise for this uncle, who managed to stay fit even at the age of 88.

In fact, many commenters said that they’re way younger and probably can’t finish a 10km race, let alone within 90 minutes.

88-year-old man run
Image: Facebook

Another commenter said that he also clocked about 90 minutes… for an 8km race. Bravo to Uncle Ong!

Image: Facebook
Image: Facebook

Seems like Uncle Ong’s achievement has motivated many people, with lots of comments saying that they want to be this fit in old age too.

Image: Facebook
Image: Facebook
Image: Facebook

Do you think you can beat Uncle Ong’s record when you’re 88 years old?

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Featured Image: Facebook (ActionPix Malaysia)