9 misconceptions about HDB BTO that every couple should know


Last Updated on 2017-08-03 , 4:22 pm

BTO sounds like a chim and intimidating term to the uninitiated. And it is: we don’t know the terms, the percentage, the balloting etc and what we know are based on hearsay.

Here are 9 misconceptions about HDB BTO that every couple should know–whether you’re in a long-term relationship or not.

Only married couples can apply for BTO

You can apply for BTO without any marriage certificate, nor do you have to go to ROM before you can go to HDB. Just make sure to produce your marriage certificate when you’re collecting your keys.

Get BTO only when you’re working and ready

You can do that, or you can also apply for BTO even though you’re a student. With one of you working full time and one studying, you will be able to get more housing grant.

Of course, this is pretty risky since you won’t know what will happen in the future, so plan for the worst while working for the best.

In other words, don’t get an expensive house only to realize the both of you cannot earn enough to pay off the house.

Thinking it’s okay with housing grants

Because your down payment is covered by the housing grants given to you, you won’t feel the pinch and decide to spend a bit more because you still have time.

Don’t make that mistake because a lot of couples realized they are not fully prepared for when the key arrives.

Keys arrive one year before BTO is ready

Yes they are said to arrive one year before BTO is ready, but they CAN also arrive earlier. Which means, money is needed.

Being a first-timer doesn’t guarantee a BTO

Plenty of first-timers applied for BTO multiple times, and there are some unfortunate souls who have been trying for more than 10 times.

Have to pay cash for down payment

No, the 10% down payment can be paid either in cash or with your CPF. The only substantial amount required in the application process is $2,000, the amount required to reserve your flat before signing the agreement.

It’s cheap and affordable

It’s subsidized and within our reach, but it’s not affordable. Do your financial planning properly before going for BTO.

BTO are not for singles

Even if you’re a single, fret not. You can apply for BTO when you’re 35 years old.

You can save money if you paint the walls yourself

No, it doesn’t really make much of a difference whether you paint it yourself or hire painting services. Plus, you’ll tire yourself out and make a whole mess in the house anyway before getting professionals in.

Painting services cost pretty much similar no matter whether you get someone to do it for you, or get all the painting equipment yourself.


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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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