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China isn’t Happy That Countries, Including S’pore, Congratulated Taiwan’s DPP’s William Lai for His...

China Issues Stern Warning as Taiwan's Election Congratulations Spark Diplomatic Tensions China has recently issued a strong condemnation against countries, including Singapore, for sending congratulatory...

Simplifying DPP William Lai’s Win in the Taiwanese Presidential Election

Unless you live under a rock, you'd know about the Taiwanese Presidential Election. The latest presidential election, which concluded on 13 January 2024, saw William...

Andie Chen Expands to Taiwan; Starring as Villain in Long-Running Taiwan Drama

For those who've watched local TV religiously in the past, Andie Chen's probably a face you're familiar with. More recently, Chen, who was a full-time...

Taiwanese TV Personality Claimed a Married S’pore ‘Ah Ge’ Had Sent Inappropriate Texts to...

A Taiwanese TV personality and executive producer claimed that a famous Singaporean actor once sent her inappropriate messages. Who exactly is it? We can't say for...

Taiwan Media Claimed S’pore is Reportedly Actively Seeking Discussions on Travel Bubble with Taiwan

In case you've missed it, the Singapore and Hong Kong air travel bubble's going to kick off on 22 Nov 2020, a short 9...

Taiwan Airport Staff Claim Some China Travellers Not Cooperative & Even Purposely Coughed at...

Let’s call a spade a spade: the Wuhan virus has definitely brought in tons of inconveniences to us. It’s human nature to be a tad...

Taiwanese Woman Jailed for Buying “Freedom Work Pass” to Work Illegally As Night Club...

Just when we thought we are finally free from pandemic stories, this one is juicier than any K-drama I binged watched in those two...

China Launches Large-Scale War Games Around Taiwan to “Punish” Taiwan

For two days, China's military executed massive war exercises near Taiwan, which focus on seizing control and dominating strategic locations. These drills were initiated to...

Death Toll of Taiwan Earthquake Rises to 16; S’porean Couple Still Missing

Officials reported that the death toll from the recent Taiwan earthquake increased to 16 on 10 April 2024, following the discovery of three additional...

8 Singaporeans Rescued Among 71 Foreign Nationals in Taiwan Earthquake

On 4 April 2024, authorities in Taiwan announced the rescue of 71 foreigners, including eight Singaporeans, from Hualien. This area was severely affected by the...