Taiwan Ah Cheng’s Aaron Chen Finally Revealed That He’s Divorced

Recently, Taiwanese actor Aaron Chen Zhao-rong has been spotted with a mysterious long-haired woman who does not look like his wife at all.

They were seen going to the doctor’s office, working out at night and going home together—nothing as scandalous as opening a hotel room together, but it is so domestic that it has raised many questions.

Image: mirrormedia.com.tw

For instance, what does his wife of 27 years, Chang Ching-wen, think about this?

Chen: We Are Divorced

Apparently, this isn’t an extramarital affair.

On Wednesday (20 Oct), Chen confirmed through a friend that he and Ching-wen are now divorced, adding that they still have a good relationship with each other, reported Mirror Media.

From his brief statement, Chen implied that the reason for their divorce was over personal and irreconcilable differences, as the estranged couple had hoped that their partner could change for each other, but “we are still who we were”.

Ultimately, what kept them together for so long was their shared desire to see their children growing up in a safe and healthy environment.

Now that their children are adults, they just want happiness for each other.

Sadly, that can only be found apart, so they went separate ways, albeit on amiable terms. 

The 53-year-old also revealed that it has been years since the divorce happened as he thanked his friends for keeping it a secret on his behalf.

He also told the media not to disturb his family.

Chen did not mention the identity of the mysterious long-haired woman, but the media has plenty of guesses.

A Private Man

Within the showbiz, the protagonist of the iconic 2001 drama Taiwan Ah Cheng is well-known for being extremely private when it comes to his family and personal life.

Chen and Ching-wen have a daughter and son together.

In order to protect his children from the brunt of the spotlight, he allegedly went as far as listing her grandfather as his daughter’s father in her school records.

And for the most part, he has refrained from showing his children’s faces to the media.

He only went against that hard-fought decision when his 23-year-old daughter, Pin-ru, decided to join the showbiz a few years ago.

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Featured Image: Mirror Media