Adorable Nara Deer Now Chilling Out by Themselves Among Beautiful Sakura Trees


If you’ve been to Japan, you’ve most likely been to Nara’s famous deer park. Even if you haven’t, you’ve definitely heard of it before.

Nara Park is a huge tourist attraction, with lots of deer that you can get up-close and personal with.

Which means you get to touch them. And yes, you can actually feed them with rice crackers.


Won’t you just look at how cute this deer is?!

Nara Deer Chilling Among Beautiful Sakura Trees

A Facebook video was released by HiQ Japan on Wednesday (13 May), showing how the deer in Nara Park is doing.

Without people, and with Aaron Kwok dancing his iconic Para Para Sakura atop Hong Long’s Harbour City shopping complex instead of in Nara Park, the sight over there is one that you’d never see again in your lifetime.

You would not believe how beautiful they looked under a sakura tree in full bloom, sitting in grass patches covered with a layer of sakura.

Image: Facebook (HiQ Japan)

How about a deer snacking on a rice cracker among a background full of sakuras?

Image: Facebook (HiQ Japan)

Don’t they look endearing?

In Nara, the cherry blossoms (sakura) usually bloom between the last week of March to the first two weeks of April. Hence, April would be the best time to visit both the sakura and these adorable creatures.

Perhaps you would like to make plans to visit them next year during spring, although I have no ideer (pun intended) when the COVID-19 situation would end.

Starving Due to Lack of Tourist 

Needless to say, tourism in Nara Park has fallen by as much as 80%. The deers are being fed fewer crackers than before, and tourists are unable to visit these cuties for the time being.

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Hence, these deers have been reportedly roaming out of their Park in search for food. They were seen at train stations and even on the roads of Nara. Oh deer.

Image: Soranews

While all seems gloomy and sad for these beautiful creatures, they still looked adorably peaceful in the latest video taken of them.

I hope they are still doing well despite the lack of food coming from tourists. Hang in there, little buddies!

You can view the video below:



Deers are chilling at sakura park in Nara.桜の季節の奈良公園More @ #staysafe

Posted by HiQ Japan on Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Next year, deer. Near year we’d be there.