Ah Girls Go Army Makes $1.15 Million in 3 Days & Could Be The Highest Grossing Movie of the Franchise

Reader Bao: Wait wait, I think something is wrong with your headline. I thought a lot of people hate the movie? You mean $1.15 is it?

Nope. Ah Girls Go Army really made $1.15 million so far, despite all the controversy and bad reviews.

It’s Jack Neo, What Did You Expect?

Singaporeans love Jack Neo, and will watch any movie he puts out, even if it is a two-hour advertisement.

The proof? Ah Girls Go Army making $1.15 million at the box office so far.

In a Facebook post, the Singaporean director shared that the $1 million milestone was reached in six days, which includes the movie previews prior to the actual opening date.

However, as the official opening date was 1 February, this means that they’ve made $1.15 million in three days since his post was on 3 February.

BTW, Jack Neo has a production team faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. How does a movie go from production to the big screen in a mere two and a half months? Yet another feat only Jack Neo knows the secrets to.

Haters and Boycotters a Vocal Minority

We’ve all seen the reviews. A two-hour advertisement, immature jokes that do not fly with the younger generation, stereotypes all around… and yet the movie is doing really well. Why?

If you’re not caught up on the hate, watch this video to the end:

Well, it seems like the haters and the boycotters are a minority. Sure, they’ve been extremely vocal about how bad the movie is and how nobody should go watch it. But the reality is that the majority… don’t care, and are heading to theatres to support it.

If you’ve gone to watch the movie, you would have heard plenty of laughter at the seemingly immature jokes, even if you might have cringed at them.

So to everyone who was in disbelief: Jack Neo clearly knows his audience better than we do.

Set to Become Highest Grossing Movie in ABTM Franchise

Ah Girls Go Army is the fifth film in the Ah Boys To Men (ABTM) franchise, and looks to be the highest-grossing movie of the franchise too.

You probably know what it’s about already, but here’s a refresher: the movie explore a “possible near-future” where the local population has decreased so significantly that women will have to join the Army.

The movie predicts what might be Singapore’s first batch of female recruits: “a bunch of Gen Z teens with different backgrounds and education.”

After trials and tribulations, these girls will gradually warm up to the concept of National Service over the course of the movie. Yes, same plot (or lack thereof) as the ABTM movies, but make it women instead.

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The first four ABTM movies have grossed over $26.8 million in theatres, so it’s clear that Jack Neo has perfected the formula for Singaporean military movies.

And, of course, Ah Girls seems to have a second movie coming up. We can expect more choreography and earworm-theme songs coming in the next few years.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Jack Neo)