Ah Boys to Men 4 is about Amour ICT & It’ll Be Released This Year (2017)

Last Updated on 2017-05-13 , 2:44 pm

You know, I hope it’s not just a coincidence as one of my colleagues is now in reservist…and he’s in the Armour vocation.

Because it’s now confirmed: the new Ah Boys to Men movie is going to focus on the Armour Formation.

Last month, when a poster of the movie was revealed, people went apeshit: the poster itself garnered well over 16K Shares. And it’s just a poster, for goodness’ sake.

When we saw this poster in the office, every guy in the office sat down for an important meeting: we were trying to figure out whether this could really be a movie about those guys in black berets.

In an interview with Channel NewsAsia, Jack Neo, the brainchild behind the popular franchise, finally answered our question: yes, it’s about the Armour Formation.

The reason why he had focused on the Armour unit is that people often got excited about tanks during National Day, so he thought it would be apt to take it to the big screen.

In addition, they will begin filming in June, and Mr Neo has promised that it would definitely be out this year.

And…while this might or might not be relevant, the official Ah Boys to Men Facebook Page suddenly posted these few images.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Ah Boys to Men)

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com

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