This Angriest Argument of an uberPOOL Driver & a Passenger Can Win This Sunday’s Stars Awards

The number of vulgarities thrown around in this argument is enough to make an NSman blush, and then look confused because not everything they’re saying makes much sense.

Last week, Twitter user @catp4ws had the misfortune to personally encounter two very potty-mouthed people in her uberPOOL ride, and unfortunately one of them was her driver. She recorded the last portion of the argument and posted it on Twitter.

The video missed the beginning of the argument as @catp4ws was listening to music, but what we got is already entertaining enough.

The reason for the argument makes very little sense, as it seems the driver was getting really worked up over how the passenger was apparently trying to order him to speed. He began to tell her off, saying that she was being “too much”, which seemed to tick her off.

She fired back, telling him 90km/h was “normal”. Well.

They then started bickering, which escalated once the passenger told the driver to “shut up” and said, “you bark and bark and bark”.

Very classy, lady.

Obviously the gentleman up to this point, the driver immediately fired back with the f-bomb, triggering a deluge of vulgarities from both sides, until the lady left the vehicle.

Throughout the entire argument, the driver kept grumbling that he was only driving to help out, and that he didn’t want to work, and that they should be grateful.

Well, I’m pretty sure everyone in the Goody Feed office is working to help out, so everyone in Singapore, please be grateful to us all.

Anyway, he didn’t even stop after the offending passenger left, continuing his complaints, and even said that he would’ve slapped her if she was a man. He also told @catp4ws she could leave if she wanted, but presumably, she stayed to reach her destination.

Sorry, slow news day.

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Featured Image: Twitter (@catp4ws)

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