Another Customer Complains About Bed Bugs, This Time At Golden Village

Remember that Scoot bedbug incident that happened a couple of days ago?

There’s another one now.

Don’t panic, Scoot. It’s not you. This time, it’s Mr Golden Village.

On 11 August, Facebook user Debra Low posted a picture of alleged bug bites on Golden Village Mr Popcorn’s Facebook page.

Image: Golden Village Facebook Page
Image: Golden Village Mr Popcorn Facebook Page

She had been watching a movie at Golden Village Junction 8 and was allegedly bitten by bugs. She contacted Golden Village’s customer service but was unsatisfied by their responses.

What Debra said was true though – this wasn’t the first time something like this happened at a Golden Village cinema.

In 2012, two STOMPers suffered alleged insect bites while watching a movie in two different GV theatres.

Before that, a STOMPer had chanced upon severely-stained seats inside the Golden Village Grand theatre in Great World City.

STOMPer VC and missgrossedout also encountered ‘bug bites’ at GV Plaza Singapura and GV Tampines respectively.

The movie chain had apologized for the incident, and claimed that they regularly ‘shampooed’ their seats and were planning to improve on the seats in the upcoming months at GV Grand.

Well, I guess Golden Village might not have been keeping to their words?

Golden Village Mr Popcorn have replied to Debra’s post.

Image: Golden Village Mr Popcorn Facebook Page

According to Golden Village, they engaged Pest Control to check on the seats, and the results came back negative.

Debra, however, remained unsatisfied and expressed her disappointment at how Golden Village handle such matters.

Oh, it’s on. The admin behind Golden Village politely asked for feedback on how they could improve their service.

And if that’s not enough, they revealed to the public that they had done more than just giving an apology. They had offered her a complimentary movie pass for her bad experience with the theatre.

Unfortunately, she did not take them up on their offer.

Since Debra did not take to Facebook to debunk their answer, it’s safe to say that the seats might not have been the culprit for the bug bites.

But we’d never know.

With Scoot and Golden Village down for the count, we start to wonder.

Who’s next to get it?

Better buck up, boys. Start scrubbing those seats like you’ve never before!

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Feature Image: Debra Low Facebook Page

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