Audi Driver Allegedly Parked Car Below HDB Block, Town Council Has Responded


There comes a time when you raise the inevitable question:

“Are we actually prepared for the day that aliens come for an intergalactic visit?”

Because see, while we do have a respectable system in place all around the world, we also witness rather ‘controversial’ events on a daily basis.

Stuff that might just get the aliens thinking: “I spent a million light years of my youth, just to come to this kind of place?”

Yeah, basically that meme.


Now you might be wondering. Hey, Earth isn’t that bad. Sure it might have a few wrong appointments here and there, and we’re ruining the atmosphere pretty badly, but overall it’s still pretty good. I think.

Well, to be fair, that’s certainly true to an extent. But honestly speaking…

It’s not that surprising either, considering how you get incidents like…


Audi Driver Allegedly Parked Car Below HDB Block & Doesn’t Think She’s Wrong

According to Stompa woman was spotted with her Audi parked at the void deck of Block 324 Tampines Street 32, on the afternoon of 23 August.

The Stomper, who’s a resident in the vicinity, said that her father had encountered the errant driver and suggested that it was not an appropriate place to park her vehicle.

What he got in return, however, was a rude scolding that, in all honesty, would not exactly pass for the reasoning of a physics thesis paper.

“She told him off rudely,” said the Stomper. “And said, ‘Then the ramp there is for what?’ even though the ramp was for the handicapped and not for her car to access the void deck.

Image: Stomp

“My dad decided not to pursue an argument but she picked up her phone to call another party (which you see in the picture).

Image: Stomp

“She spoke loudly and told the person on the line that some ‘stupid man’ was telling her about where she can or cannot park her vehicle.”

It was unclear how long the woman parked at the spot.


For parking somewhere other than in a parking lot, the woman could face a fine of $70. Depending on the vehicle type, the figure could range anywhere from $35 to $100.

Tampines Town Council Has Since Spoken Out

In response to’s queries, Tampines Town Council expressed that it was aware of the situation, having been exposed to the Stomp article in question.

According to the Council, parking at the HDB void deck is “a serious infringement and puts our residents’ safety at risk.”

It also emphasised that the access ramp was built to accommodate drop-offs for wheelchair-bound residents.

The Town Council has since requested for the resident in question, or any other witnesses, to share with them a photograph of the car plate number. This is to allow them to take enforcement actions if necessary.


Though Stomper Anonymous had submitted a picture of the woman and her car license plate, the face and number were blurred out.

“We would also like to take this opportunity to advise all motorists to abide by the Parking Places Rules and to keep our common spaces safe for all,” the Town Council added.

And to that end, we concur. Though we can’t help but wonder;

How do you get your driving license, without realising the difference between a parking ramp, and a ramp dedicated to the handicapped?

Well, I guess only her driving instructor would know.