This Simple Fix Will Stop Your Bedsheet From Ever Slipping Again

Last Updated on 2022-09-30 , 11:53 am

Many of us wake up to a messy bed, with our bed sheets looking like they went through the grinder.

What’s worse is the fact that despite how many times you try your best to align and tuck your bed sheets neatly, they just won’t stay.

Perhaps your partner is the one with this problem, with the bed sheet on his or her side always curling up as though the bed sheet had legs.

If you face this issue and have OCD this is what you need.

Bed Sheet Straps / Suspenders

Image: Shopee Singapore

Some bed sheets come with sheet straps, which are the little elastic straps on the four corners of the bed sheet, while some do not.

For those without straps, you can purchase your own sheet suspenders to make your bed look as good as new. No matter how much tossing and turning you did the night before.

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Ways to Secure the Straps

Image: Shopee Singapore

These sheet straps or suspenders can be clipped to the 4 ends of your bed sheets and tied down to the back of your mattress so it does not move as much.

You can choose to secure these straps according to your own preference—be it horizontally, diagonally or vertically. And there you have it, no more messy sheets when you wake up in the morning.

Where to Purchase

These sheet suspenders can be bought from bed sheets or furnishing stores, and if you can’t find them, you can order these life-saving babies online from sites like Shopee. Some of these even come with a warranty as well.

Featured Image: Shopee Singapore