Bentley Driver in Red Swastika School Saga Sentenced to 8 Weeks’ Jail

Many of you might remember popular sagas in 2022 like the Jeff Ng saga, Joseph Schooling Saga, or even the Adam Levine saga.

But what about the Red Swastika Bentley driver saga at the start of the year? In case you have forgotten about this incident, here’s a recap for you.

Recap of the Incident 

This incident did not take place recently, but it occurred on 11 January 2022 this year.

Mr Neo Hong Chye, 61, threatened to run down a 62-year-old security guard outside Red Swastika School.

In the short 23-second video taken on 11 January, you can see the person in the passenger seat arguing with the security officer and teacher first while swinging around his red phone before he gets back into the car.

Then, without any regard for the security officer in his way, the driver proceeds to move forward twice. He continuously tested the limits until the teacher leans into the open side window to say something, presumably in a warning.

Worst still, as you watch the video carefully, you can clearly see the security officer getting injured by the slight impact. He had to grip his right knee while bracing his left hand on the hood of the car.

Thankfully, the 62-year-old security officer only sustained minor injuries and was given a three-day medical leave.

The car was eventually allowed into the school, and the driver was later arrested and investigated for the offence of a rash act causing hurt.

The Penalties 

Mr Neo pleaded guilty on 19 October 2022 to causing hurt by performing a rash act, which accounts for his jail term, and another count of driving the vehicle without insurance coverage.

He was jailed for eight weeks and fined $600. He was also disqualified from holding all classes of driving licences for 12 months.

The Car Actually Belongs to His Son and Car Plate was Altered 

It was also discovered previously that Bentley’s number plate was altered. Additionally, the driver had driven the car without insurance coverage.

The accused’s son, Glynn Neo Jia, 28, was charged in May with one count each of altering the licence plate number of the Bentley and allowing his father to use the car without insurance coverage.

He has altered the licence plate for “photoshoot purposes”; maybe someone should introduce Photoshop to him.

You can know more about the licence plate thingy here:

For causing hurt by committing a rash act, Neo could have been jailed for up to a year, fined up to $5,000, or both.

For using a car without insurance coverage, he could have been jailed for up to three months, fined up to $1,000, or both. An offender can also be disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for a year.

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