People Are Actually Selling Their BTO Toilet Bowls for Cheap on Carousell

Looking for affordable toilet bowls for your new home? Well, instead of Taobao, you may want to check Carousell out instead.

First concert air and food delivery accounts, now toilet bowls.

When they say you can find anything on Carousell, they mean it.

Who knew.

People Are Actually Selling Their BTO Toilet Bowls for Cheap on Carousell

When you do a quick search of BTO toilet bowls on Carousell, 65 listings popped up at the time of writing.

Image: Screengrab from Carousell

The toilet bowls are listed as brand new, fresh off HDB’s hands.

The listings are in the range of $35-$130 per toilet bowl, with a majority listed in the $35-$70.

And they’re seemingly updated pretty regularly, with the most recent listing created less than a day ago.

Image: Screengrab from Carousell

The models available largely belongs to the eco-toilet bowl that HDB has been offering in recent years.

Now, I know what you’re wondering, “Is there really a demand for such things?”

Apparently, yes.

Image: Screengrab from Facebook

Why Are People Selling BTO Toilet Bowls Online?

Chances are, new homeowners decided to buy their own toilet bowls when renovating.

Unlike your sinks and showerhead, BTO flats come together with toilet bowls, aka wash closet.

Some new homeowners may prefer to get their own toilet bowls and decided to sell the old ones for some cash.

Reviews aside, having just another sink to wash and keep clean is a hassle.

Not Just Toilet Bowls

It’s not just toilet bowls, and there are also other BTO components on Carousell for sale, including the shower fittings

Image: Screengrab from Carousell

As well as the basin and tap

Image: Screengrab from Carousell

Upcycle to the max, indeed.

For those who are looking to buy from Carousell, do note that most of the listings spotted seemingly require you to pick up the items yourself.

In other words, you may just carry a toilet bowl on the MRT home.

Beware of Scams

Of course, there’s still an important thing to note.

While Carousell is a place to find great deals, you’ll also need to make sure the deals are not too good to be true.

According to the E-commerce Marketplace Transaction Safety Ratings (TSR) by MHA, Facebook Marketplace and Carousell were ranked the lowest, having been awarded one tick and two ticks, respectively.

In 2022, 4,762 recorded e-commerce fraud instances were reported. About 62 per cent of these happened on Facebook and Carousell, usually involving the online sales of undelivered goods and services.

Some red flags to keep a lookout for include:

  • It’s too good a deal to be true
  • The seller keeps trying to get you to transfer money instead of doing COD transactions
  • You’re required to download a third-party app to complete the payment
  • You’re asked for personal details