Bus Captain Who Rescued Wandering Girl Thinks His Action is Just ‘a Bus Captain’s Duty’

Some acts of kindness simply leave you with a heart-warming feeling and restore faith in humanity.

What this good-natured bus captain did is one of them.

Spotted Child on the Road

On Tuesday (12 Apr), SBS Transit detailed in a Facebook post how bus captain Ong Shi Chuin had rescued a child who was wandering on the road.

Ong was driving bus service 400 along Marina Boulevard on 16 January, just like any other day of work.

However, at around 7pm, something completely unexpected occurred.

While waiting for a red traffic light to turn green, Ong noticed a girl about four-years-old wandering barefooted on the five-lane road.

He was horrified as the child appeared to be “oblivious” of the danger she was in.

At that point, Ong thought, “If I want this little girl to be safe, she needs to be on the bus.”

Rescued Girl and Brought Her to Safety

Realising that the traffic lights were about to turn green and the vehicles would move forward while she was in the way, Ong dashed out of the bus to get to the child.

Fortunately, he managed to reach her in time and carried her safely to his bus.

She was soon reunited with her frantic parents who had been searching for her. The girl had apparently wandered off after playing at a nearby playground.

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Recounting the incident, Ong shared, “When I stopped at the red traffic light and saw the girl running across the five-lane road, my only thought was that the girl was in danger. I immediately rushed out to carry her on board my bus before the traffic light turned green.”

SBS praised Ong for his quick thinking and actions that saved the girl from harm, touting him as a “hero”.

Receiving Much Praise

Since the post was made on Tuesday, it has garnered much attention, with comments calling Ong “brave”.

The bus driver has also received numerous text messages from colleagues and friends, all praising his response.

“Quite surprisingly, this news spread very fast and people messaged me to ask me what happened, so I just explained to them what happened. I don’t think I am a hero but this is a bus captain’s duty,” he added.

Most proud of Ong are his two children who are both in their 20s. To spread the word about their father’s kind act, they had even shared articles about him on social media channels.

“I think I was the most happy when my son and daughter shared (the news) and said, ‘This is my father’,” Ong said with a hearty laugh.

However, he has not been able to meet the girl or her family since the incident.

“If the parents come to me, the first thing I want to do is to take a photograph with the little girl because she was so cute,” Ong said with another laugh.

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Featured Image: Facebook (SBS Transit)