Changi Airport T4 will Officially Open Next Tuesday. Here’s What You Should Know

We’re all exited for the spanking new T4 that’s been given the green light for its official opening on 31 October 2017.

It’s already gone through a fire evacuation test, and also had its very own full-dress rehearsal on 24 Oct 2017 for its opening (yeah, a rehearsal for an opening: SBS Transit, you see that?).

According to Changi Airport Group, T4 will be the home for nine airlines in total, and this includes four carriers from AirAsia Group.

There are a few things which are going to be done differently in the new terminal. The most awaited change would be that airport travellers can now do the entire process of checking in on their own.

Yes, and on top of that, it’s all automated from the time you get yourself checked in right up to you boarding your flight.

Image: GreenA Consultants

Even down to its cleaners.

Cool (or scary), huh?

Another thing is that the security checking bit will be at a centralized location. No more security checks at the boarding gates.

The T4 terminal has an extra system – a facial recognition feature that will make sure that the same passenger is the one attended to from the start to the stop.

All nine airlines will start operating in T4 on a progressive basis from the time it opens its doors for a week.

It’ll start with Korean Air and Cathay Pacific on its opening day. A few days later on 2 November, Spring Airlines and Cebu Pacific will roll out. Finally, it’s Vietnam Airlines and AirAsia on 7 November.

The CEO of AirAsia Singapore, Logan Velaitham spoke about T4 and said that its design – a “state-of-the-art” terminal certainly is in line with AirAsia’s vision of becoming a digital carrier.

The company’s innovations in terms of mobile and Web features certainly gel well with the fully automated service that FAST (fast and seamless travel) that’s offered by T4 from the door to the gate.

Image: Channel NewsAsia

When T4 is up and running, it’ll eject the capacity of Changi’s flight passenger to a huge 16 million passengers per annum. The overall yearly capacity is also upped to 82 million passengers. Wah, we didn’t know so many passengers rely on Changi leh.

The capacity will be upped even further in a decade or 12 years more, when T5 is ready to join the rest of the terminals.

Tan Lye Teck, the executive VP for CAG has mentioned that Changi looks forward to ushering in their very first passengers for T4 next week.

We all cannot wait for when it’s finally launched in a few days leh. But how, if wanna check out the system must buy a flight ticket la.

So how then, fly to Korea, Philippines or Malaysia just to go through its seamless and automated checking in and boarding ah?

Image: GreenA Consultants

Oh well, maybe it’s an indication.

Time to travel and relax for a change. So tell me, where do you wanna fly off to? Coz right now, bibimbap and kimchi look really appealing to us over here!

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Image: GreenA Consultants