Charles Yeo’s IG ‘Removed’ After Online Spat with Xiaxue; Alleged It Was Hacked


Previously, Charles Yeo got into a very public online spat with Xiaxue after he made several biting comments about her on his Instagram Stories.

Image: Instagram

He called her out on her bullying ways and said he’ll “take her down a few notches”.

Xiaxue, of course, retaliated and called him a “hater from her good old days”.

She went one step further to highlight the various pretty female influencers he has been paying attention to.

Image: Instagram (xiaxue)

You can read more about their online fight here.

Things escalated from there, including a 27-minute Facebook live video and now, allegations of a cybercrime.

Charles Yeo’s IG ‘Removed’ After Online Spat with Xiaxue; Alleged It Was Hacked

On 8 Nov 2020, Charles Yeo alleged that his Instagram account was “removed” after the online spat with Xiaxue.

Image: Instagram

The Instagram story was from his second Instagram account, @toxicstatenarrativeinsg2, which he created after his original account was lost.

Image: Instagram

In his Facebook live video, Yeo said that after he lost access to his account, the first thing he had thought of was to check if he had violated Instagram’s community guidelines.

There weren’t any notifications from the social media platform in his email, Yeo said, and when he tried to file for an appeal via Instagram, he repeatedly got the error code: “The Account Does Not Exist”.

It’s likely that his account was hacked and deleted, he alleges, and the culprits could be linked to one of the two individuals he had huge online spats with just before he lost his account.

Of course, he stresses, these are just allegations which he can’t prove at the moment, or ever.

Not Afraid To Meet Xiaxue in Court

A Facebook live video is perfect for an individual to interact in real-time with his viewers, and Yeo isn’t any different.

Responding to a question from a viewer who asked if Xiaxue has sued him yet, he said that she hasn’t but he is ready for the day she does so.

He is “perfectly willing” to meet her in court.

He also refuted the possibility of people reporting his account to Instagram which resulted in the loss of account.


He emphasised that if you are banned, you’ll be notified via “many emails” by Instagram, and that wasn’t the case for him.

You Can View His Full Video Below:

Featured Image: Charles Yeo’s Facebook / Instagram